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Tony Jones Dis-likes Labels

Tony Jones doesn’t like labels. He says he would rather think of his Christianity as “emergence” and not “Emergent.” There is only one Christianity and it ain’t emergence or Emergent, neither is it Pentecostal, Baptist, Lutheran, or any other sect. Following Christ is to be a Christian, and for the most part they all have […]

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Tony Jones Un-defines “Liberal”

Tony Jones, in his March 6th addition to his blog, Society for Pentecostal Studies Paper: Definitions, says he is not a liberal, which is interesting, considering the fact that he is not only liberal, but he is very liberal. Tony is so liberal that he thinks he may be conservative, or that he is neither […]

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“A New Kind of Christianity”, Follow Me

“In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” Judges 17:6 The Book of Judges, in my opinion, is the saddest book of the Bible.  It show what happens to a nation when they lose their way. The book illustrates that every path, is not the right path, just because we […]

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Brian McLaren Imagines He Knows Jesus

Brian McLaren thinks he know Jesus, but it is just his imagination. As a matter of fact Brian loves to imagine that he understands Scripture, but again it is only his imagination. Brian, in his imagination thinks he can manipulate God’s Word as if it were silly putty.  God’s Word, in the hands of Brian […]

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Haiti: A Follow-up Response

As to be expected, now that Pat Robertson has taken the lead many others are venturing to add their two cents worth and provide an innocuous account of what has happened. The Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas tries his hand at an answer, but fails to answer why God allows such extensive […]

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Interview With Doug Pagitt of the Emergent Church

Over at CALL TO DISCERNMENT I came across the following YouTube  of Todd Friel interviewing Doug Padgitt of the Emerging Church. If it wasn’t so sad it would be hilarious. How can those guys really believe the things they preach. Watch the video and have a good laugh or cry or whatever. httpv://

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The World is About to Change Again, and Still No Repentance

There is all kinds of talk about “justice” these days: social justice, economic justice, and climate justice. These are all code words of this world to mean, as they have always meant to social engeneers who fashion themselves as the saviors of Planet Earth, oneness, ecumenicism, unity, harmony, one world government, Socialism, and Communism. The […]

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Doug Pagitt’s New Book: A Christianity Worth Believing – NOT Worth Believing!

Lighthouse Trails give us a “Heads-up” as they present this review by Ezra McGill on Doug Pagitt’s new book.  Please take the time to read this and then pass it along. Steve Blackwell oug Pagitt’s New Book: A Christianity Worth Believing – NOT Worth Believing! by Ezra McGill Free-lance writer In his book, A Christianity […]

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Evangelical Movement at ‘Head-Snapping’ Moment, Says Scholar

I am certainly not an advocate for the new evangelical/emerging church movement, but the following article causes me to ask some serious questions that no one seems to be addressing. The question is WHY? Why is the Church crumbling and in the position that it’s in today? Why are the young embracing a new form […]

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Bogus Miracles are Better than Nothing!

People everywhere love a good miracle, it doesn’t matter that it is bogus as long as it is accepted by  a lot of others, who are themselves looking for miracles, and that it is done in some religious context which gives it validity. Miracles today are not the private property of Christian Charismatics who, in […]