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Do You Smell Smoke?

An alarm has been sounding for some time now concerning the state of the Church but very few have paid attention. There is a small fire burning in the basement and the faint smell of smoke rises to those who are asleep. Nothing to be alarmed about! It is small and faint! Should I then […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross following christ suffering troubles understanding prophecy Doctrine Truth Gospel Religion persecution martyrdom Anabaptist Christian End Times Radical-Reformation

Christianity On Your Terms

At first glance you may think I mean that Christ needs to accept our way of worshiping Him; not at all! What I do mean is that our presentation of the Gospel to the world at large needs to be on our terms, the terms of Truth, and not the world’s terms. But, the world […]

Uncategorized adversity church cross following christ sacrifice suffering troubles understanding trials prophecy faith Communion Truth Gospel NonResistance persecution martyrdom history Anabaptist Christian End Times Radical-Reformation

The Instrument of Our Own Undoing

We have all heard preachers talk about the Cross? What did you think of that? How was it delivered and how was it received? What is a “daily Cross”? Looking from the inside of the Protestant Church, and I would dare say all of today’s Churches, of which I was a part of for more […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross following christ offense sacrifice suffering troubles understanding prophecy Truth peace Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom Christian End Times

Will You Be Seed or Will You Be Safe?

Most people who call themselves “Christian” are Christians by default and not by decision; they are Christians by birth or they have caught their belief the same way a person might catch a cold, by contact. Muslims are Muslims the same way, because they were born into a Muslim family or nation, and very few […]

Uncategorized adversity conscience cross discernment suffering troubles trials sin faith Truth Gospel Christian Freedom Poetry

Some Roads are More Lonely than Others

The road beneath is dark and dead, Visions and memories invade our sick heads. Where hope once lived and flowers grew; Where butterflies flittered and birds flew. Now, little other care have we; Now, the road and blackness are all we see. Away, to nowhere, a place to hide, No color, no feeling, just yellow […]

Uncategorized church discernment understanding encouragement Israel faith Truth peace Gospel Patriotism Politics Religion Christian Freedom

The Pathway to Freedom

These all died in faith, although they had not received the things that were promised. But they saw them from a distance, greeted them, and confessed that they were foreigners and temporary residents on the earth. Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they were thinking […]

Uncategorized apostasy church conscience cross deception humanism new age sin heresy false teachers faith Communion hypocrisy Doctrine Truth Organized church peace Gospel Patriotism Politics Protestantism history violence Christian

Cain, The Spirit of the Modern Gospel

There is a characteristic of this church age that can only be classified as a new theology, but has its true origin in the brother of Abel. It cannot be denied that all we see today – the death of God, the elevation of the love of humanity over faith in God, the separation of […]

Uncategorized church cross deception following christ sacrifice suffering Judgment peace war Gospel Patriotism NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian

The Non-Resistance Controversy

This controversy did not start here and will no doubt end only at the coming of the Lord. Having said that, there are some points that need to be considered. The first major error is to use the O.T. to interpret the N.T. and the second mistake is to follow conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom will […]

Uncategorized discernment following christ suffering troubles understanding sin faith Truth Gospel

I Had a Dream Last Night

I was in the other half of the double that my aunt and uncle lived in on Keystone Avenue, in Indianapolis, and there was a doctor who lived there now. I climbed the back steps that led into the kitchen. I always thought that that side of the double was more attractive than the side […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment following christ sacrifice suffering Church Life false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth war Gospel Justice NonResistance Religion violence

Another Word on Violence

I have had the opportunity to speak on the topic of violence the last couple of Sundays. I endeavored to communicate that as far as the listeners sympathized with the spirit of violence that there exist a fault in their understanding of Christ’s mission and spirit. Violence is the same as committing murder. This idea […]