Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment hearing humanism seeing understanding Marketing false teachers faith

Where Do We Find Truth In The World?

We are surrounded by deception, misrepresentations, trickery, stagecraft, illusions, sleights of hand, delusions, perceptions, opinions, marketing, advertising, and much wishful thinking, but not truth. It matters not where you go in the world, truth is hard to find. Jer 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Eccl […]

apostasy church deception discernment Emergent hearing humanism seeing understanding Uncategorized new age Marketing

Evangelical Movement at ‘Head-Snapping’ Moment, Says Scholar

I am certainly not an advocate for the new evangelical/emerging church movement, but the following article causes me to ask some serious questions that no one seems to be addressing. The question is WHY? Why is the Church crumbling and in the position that it’s in today? Why are the young embracing a new form […]