Roger Oakland is back after a near death accident that stopped his commentaries from shining the light of truth in the eyes of the Deceiver. His words are hard to read by those entrenched in the apostate church, but many have responded as the Holy Spirit awakens His sleeping elect, and calls them out and […]
Category: apostasy
Being part of a "cool" church is, well, cool. For thirty something years I have watched the organized church grow in coolness till, like a gigantic pimple, it has grown to an ugly infected mass of putrid worldliness. Quite honestly, the organized church is beginning to stink with its attempt to cover-up any trace of […]
I'm in the mood to pick a fight, and I think I have found a subject that will lose me more friends than talking about their mother, and that is, talking about their idol god, the entertaining television. We must be entertained! Many use it to get their minds off of their misery. Mothers […]
Many "churches" love to quote Tozer, to attach to themselves, his radical message and nature. Although Tozer preached hard against the Church wedded to the world he remained a part of the organized church to his dying days. This fact has did much to dilute his forcefulness and diminish his authority for the preservation of […]
We are surrounded by deception, misrepresentations, trickery, stagecraft, illusions, sleights of hand, delusions, perceptions, opinions, marketing, advertising, and much wishful thinking, but not truth. It matters not where you go in the world, truth is hard to find. Jer 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Eccl […]
How horrible it will be for you when everyone says nice things about you. That’s the way their ancestors treated the false prophets. Luke 6:26 This is yet another sign of the apostasy of Brian McLaren. In this piece on Brian’s site, he praises an atheist for saying nice things about him, who thinks Brian […]
Today I received a letter from a friend who highlighted a conundrum that has been at the center of much of what I call the “organized Church.” “…As a part of my truth quest I began doing a lot of reading on the different “holiness” strains of Christendom to get a better handle on why […]
Being a Christian in today’s world is not a popular thing to be, at least if you are a Christian who loves Israel. There are those other “Christians” who test God with their hate speech, and align themselves with those worldlings who hate Israel. They can call themselves Christian if they want, it is still […]
Tony Jones doesn’t like labels. He says he would rather think of his Christianity as “emergence” and not “Emergent.” There is only one Christianity and it ain’t emergence or Emergent, neither is it Pentecostal, Baptist, Lutheran, or any other sect. Following Christ is to be a Christian, and for the most part they all have […]
Tony Jones, in his March 6th addition to his blog, Society for Pentecostal Studies Paper: Definitions, says he is not a liberal, which is interesting, considering the fact that he is not only liberal, but he is very liberal. Tony is so liberal that he thinks he may be conservative, or that he is neither […]