
Gotta Catch-up

The back-end of IndyWatchman has been down for quite sometime but is now back up. I was unable to repair it myself so I had to bring in the big-guns. All is well on the home front now. Your patience is appreciated. In the mean time I have attended a few Anabaptist conferences and gathered […]


A Secret Garden

IndyWatchman ~ Something for my friends from my secret garden. I suppose we all have that place where we go to get away and think and pray and mediate on where we’re at and where we’re going. Sometimes we go alone and sometimes we get swept along with the tide and we find ourselves in […]


Missing Our Lady

It’s been nearly a year since she went away and it’s no easier now than it was on that day. Some would say that “you’re getting carried away” and it is true, Writing poetry about a dog with nothing better to do. But, Lady was sunshine and a Spring shower, like a bouquet of love […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church deception discernment Emergent false prophets following christ Research and Discernment understanding prophecy Government Judgment heresy false teachers Preachers Truth Organized church Gospel foolishness Catholic Politics Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history Reformation Anabaptist Christian

Do You Smell Smoke?

An alarm has been sounding for some time now concerning the state of the Church but very few have paid attention. There is a small fire burning in the basement and the faint smell of smoke rises to those who are asleep. Nothing to be alarmed about! It is small and faint! Should I then […]

Uncategorized church discernment hearing seeing understanding books encouragement Gospel Christian Poetry photography

The Way of The Genius

Men want to express themselves so they communicate; they use words, writing, sound, painting, drawing, and photography. The creative soul sees a thing in its mind or in its eye and translates visions into symbols with meaning. He pronounces a sound a certain way  and charges the airway with reverberations conveying a feeling of fear, […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment following christ understanding Church Life Judgment faith hypocrisy Truth Gospel Religion Revival Christian End Times

The Prosaic Character of Stupor

Very many Christians who live in America lack inspiration, they live in the world of the mundane and common. They are earthbound and unimaginative and only see in black-and-white and life as a matter-of-fact. Comfort and mediocrity grip the existence of those whose lives have been reduced to a generality and a purposeless conclusion. They […]

Uncategorized cross following christ sacrifice suffering troubles faith Doctrine Truth Gospel NonResistance Religion martyrdom Anabaptist Christian Death

Degeneration or Regeneration: Your choice

The second law of thermodynamics “entropy” simply stated says all things slowly reduce from order to disorder. In other words, what was once new becomes old, what once was hot becomes cold, todays bread will soon gather mold, and when we think we are rich it is only fools gold. We go to Church and […]

Uncategorized apostasy humanism Government Judgment false teachers faith Preachers Doctrine Truth Gospel Politics Religion Christian

A Biblical View Of Political Involvement

This is a re-post of an article I wrote before the election in 2016. I get a lot of feedback on not voting and non-participation in government, and I love it; I love it because someone may be enlightened. Probably the most common question I get is, “If we as a nation did not have […]

Uncategorized church cross discernment following christ troubles encouragement Church Life Judgment faith Doctrine Truth Organized church holiness peace Gospel Justice Religion Revival persecution Protestantism history violence Anabaptist Christian Freedom End Times Radical-Reformation

Getting Engaged

No! I am not looking for a wife, I am perfectly content with the one I’ve had for the last fifty years. But, what I have experienced of Christianity and the Church for the last forty-five years has not prepared me for adequately engaging the world creatively or constructively, and for this I need to […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross following christ suffering troubles understanding prophecy Doctrine Truth Gospel Religion persecution martyrdom Anabaptist Christian End Times Radical-Reformation

Christianity On Your Terms

At first glance you may think I mean that Christ needs to accept our way of worshiping Him; not at all! What I do mean is that our presentation of the Gospel to the world at large needs to be on our terms, the terms of Truth, and not the world’s terms. But, the world […]