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Do You Smell Smoke?

An alarm has been sounding for some time now concerning the state of the Church but very few have paid attention. There is a small fire burning in the basement and the faint smell of smoke rises to those who are asleep. Nothing to be alarmed about! It is small and faint! Should I then […]

Uncategorized apostasy cross deception false prophets following christ suffering troubles Church Life prophecy Government repentence false teachers faith hypocrisy Truth Organized church Gospel NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism american history history violence Anabaptist Christian Freedom

Where We Are At Today

In the national life of our country, the prevailing Christian thought is that of Protestantism while the Anabaptist have sought out safety, security, and isolation from persecution. Consequently, since the 1920’s general societal shift to liberalism, we are today left with the collapses of Christianity. What we now see is an image of a building […]