adversity apostasy cross deception discernment Church Life Anabaptist Christian End Times Death

Yet Forty Days!

Scripture teaches us that every time God has appeared to man it has required great sacrifice, the sacrifice of their idols. If a man is to break with the world here is where that break will happen – the times when we lust for our old prison cell and our old gods, and we long […]

martyrdom Anabaptist Christian Religion Death cross following christ sacrifice suffering troubles Uncategorized faith Doctrine Truth Gospel NonResistance

Degeneration or Regeneration: Your choice

The second law of thermodynamics “entropy” simply stated says all things slowly reduce from order to disorder. In other words, what was once new becomes old, what once was hot becomes cold, todays bread will soon gather mold, and when we think we are rich it is only fools gold. We go to Church and […]