Government Gospel Truth Doctrine Preachers faith false teachers Judgment Christian Religion Politics apostasy Uncategorized humanism

A Biblical View Of Political Involvement

This is a re-post of an article I wrote before the election in 2016. I get a lot of feedback on not voting and non-participation in government, and I love it; I love it because someone may be enlightened. Probably the most common question I get is, “If we as a nation did not have […]

Religion End Times Christian Doctrine Preachers prophecy discernment deception church Uncategorized

What is The Mark of The Beast?

The civilized world loves to be entertained and anyone who can spin a good yarn can muster an audience and even make some money. Conspiracy theories are popular and rampant on the Internet and elicit fear and wonder and no subject is more popular than the subject of the end-times. Many of the authors claim […]