Gospel Anabaptist martyrdom persecution Religion Truth Doctrine prophecy End Times Radical-Reformation Christian understanding troubles suffering following christ cross church apostasy Uncategorized

Christianity On Your Terms

At first glance you may think I mean that Christ needs to accept our way of worshiping Him; not at all! What I do mean is that our presentation of the Gospel to the world at large needs to be on our terms, the terms of Truth, and not the world’s terms. But, the world […]

Poetry Christian Religion Communion discernment Uncategorized

A Meditation For Wednesday, March 7, 2019

I love writing poetry and exploring the depths of my emotions and their meaning. For instance, I used to think that a person is a solo object floating in the midst of abstract indefiniteness yet has a mysterious link to all other things. Is that even possible, to be an individual and still be part […]