“I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.” William Tecumseh Sherman War is truly hell and violence is sadistic, yet […]
Category: Uncategorized
Peace, who has even heard of such a thing in our times, is it something new? The Catholics and Evangelicals know nothing of peace, confusing it with a militaristic state of control; and the Anabaptists confuse it with a physiological state of rest. Then, what is Peace? The earliest prophets anticipated peace as one of […]
December 25, 2019 What in the world could we possibly give each other that would compare to what our Father has given us. This the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.
The traditional importance of non-resistance has shaped a distinctive Anabaptist personality. Early Anabaptists spoke of Gelassenheit, a yieldingness and surrender to God’s will in the face of persecution and martyrdom. Over an extended period of time, however, the Anabaptist’s radical appeal and challenge to the existing Christian society became transformed into a message which cultivated […]
Social Justice is not a Christian term and should only be used in relation to the confusion, conversation, and lostness of the world. The words “Social Justice” sound good and even Christian but are never found on the lips of Jesus. The Social Justice advocate is likely to use the words of Jesus to advance […]
I recently shared an image on Facebook that pictures a man holding five umbrellas over his head with a poor person walking by getting wet and below the image is the caption that reads simply “Capitalism.” I have been an avid lover of photographer for very many years and I understand how taking a picture […]
The Devil Adores the Christian Soldier
There are no Christian Patriots, a lie that’s everywhere believed, And as far as enduring suffering, God has closed His ears to thee. Your faith and life are based upon, a flag and sophistry, That you display with foolish pride, and think it sets you free. You have walked into harm’s way, and accepted the […]
The road beneath is dark and dead, Visions and memories invade our sick heads. Where hope once lived and flowers grew; Where butterflies flittered and birds flew. Now, little other care have we; Now, the road and blackness are all we see. Away, to nowhere, a place to hide, No color, no feeling, just yellow […]
Should Christians Celebrate Veteran’s Day?
Am I against veterans, no, I am for veterans, I am a veteran, but more important than veterans is TRUTH? The picture above is preposterous and offensive. Jesus would never own a gun or participate in violence of any kind. Yet, today, hundreds of thousands of Christians in the military have been convinced that Jesus […]
The civilized world loves to be entertained and anyone who can spin a good yarn can muster an audience and even make some money. Conspiracy theories are popular and rampant on the Internet and elicit fear and wonder and no subject is more popular than the subject of the end-times. Many of the authors claim […]