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Words.!?# I could write a hundred books and still be misunderstood. Even a poet only scratches the surface of full disclosure. Empires have crumbled because their words were taken the wrong way. Yet, God has chosen words, His words, to be recorded for all posterity and His own Son bore the title of Logos, the […]

Uncategorized church cross deception following christ sacrifice suffering Judgment peace war Gospel Patriotism NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian

The Non-Resistance Controversy

This controversy did not start here and will no doubt end only at the coming of the Lord. Having said that, there are some points that need to be considered. The first major error is to use the O.T. to interpret the N.T. and the second mistake is to follow conventional wisdom. Conventional wisdom will […]

Uncategorized church cross discernment false prophets following christ suffering Church Life Government sin false teachers hypocrisy Truth holiness peace war Hell Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion Protestantism violence Christian

On Earth, as it is in Heaven

Christians must show that war and violence of any kind are wrong, totally wrong. We must show that war and violence is essentially a state of wickedness and hatred and that it can not exist without malice any more than hell can exist without evil. We must show that Jesus Christ, our Master, forbids it; […]

Uncategorized church discernment faith Preachers holiness peace Gospel Religion history Reformation

Understanding the Biblical Concept of Coveting, Desire, Humility, and Dying To Self

Every once in a while you run across something that you sense has some value, but like a diamond in the rough, its true value is just barely recognized, which was the effect that this short booklet had on me. Jacob Boehme (1575-1624), a humble shoemaker born in Alt Seidenberg, Germany, brought forth this rough […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross discernment following christ humanism Research and Discernment Church Life prophecy Government false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth Organized church holiness peace war Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion violence


Historians have noticed what Christians have failed to discover and that is the immense compromise that the Church had committed by her alliance with Constantine in the year 314 A.D. at the Synod of Arles. In this canon it was stated that Christians would be threatened with excommunication those Christian soldiers who insisted on quitting […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception following christ prophecy Government heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Truth Organized church peace war Gospel United Nations Politics NonResistance Religion persecution history violence Reformation Anabaptist

Know the Truth About War, Violence, and Self-Defense!

  The study of “right and wrong” or ethics is very important but ethics do not exhaust the full contents of what Christianity is. Ethics are concerned with the practical conduct of human life so, it is natural that curious Christian minds should have carefully investigated these rules and behavior. Also, when we find that […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment following christ understanding prophecy Government Judgment false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth Organized church Nicolaitan peace war Gospel Patriotism Politics history

Whose Vengeance is it Anyway?

“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay.” Yet, very many Christians across this land disagree with God and buy up guns and ammunition, enlist in the military, and belong to police forces. This response to God is rebellion and unbelief. They rip the reins of power and authority from the hands of the […]

Uncategorized cross discernment following christ Research and Discernment understanding Church Life Government sin heresy faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church peace Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism american history history Reformation Anabaptist

Generic Christianity and the Holy Spirit

What is generic christianity? Def.: Adjective: Generic ju’ne-rik 1. Applicable to an entire class or group 2. Popular Generic christianity, with a small ‘c’, is an attempt to adopt/adapt certain insights and values of the Primitive Church as a guide to the application of Scripture in the context of each succeeding generation of believers. While […]

Uncategorized church discernment following christ understanding encouragement Serving prophecy faith Communion Preachers peace Gospel foolishness Prayer

The Unprofitable Servant

So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. Luke 17:10 We have all probably read these words and may have acknowledged that Solomon was right when he said, “Vanity of vanity all is […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ sacrifice hypocrisy Doctrine peace war Gospel NonResistance persecution Protestantism martyrdom violence Reformation

The Paralyzing Fear of Persecution

  Why is it that discernment ministries are afraid to address the topic of nonresistance even though I believe that some of them are nonresistant, at least in principle? During the Reformation there were three things that caused great distress to the Reformers Zwingli, Luther, and Calvin, and they were: 1) The separation of Church […]