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In God We Don’t Trust

Professed Christians have not only made war on each other, but have attempted to sanctify all the horrors and crimes of war by religious ceremonies. Not, indeed, the ceremonies of the bloody and revengeful religion of pagans, but the ceremonies of the benign and peaceful religion of Jesus Christ. – *Noah Worcester. In guns we […]

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Unrolling the Scroll of Revelation

Some Thoughts on the Changing Church       In the preface to his book The Knowledge of the Holy, A. W. Tozer says the reason for writing the book was “called forth by a condition which has existed in the Church for some years and is steadily growing worse.” “Modern Christianity is simply not […]

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The State of Professional Preachers

My experience in the commercial Church with the commercial pastor is that for him individuals are merely for his own self-stimulation; he discards them as a tree shakes off and forgets its leaves and then is rejuvenated by a new Spring collection, leaving the old foliage withered and forgotten. He comes from the unknown and […]

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All Truth is God’s Truth???

I was talking to a friend the other day debating the question of psychology in the Church. My position is that psychological counseling is un-Biblical. While there may be a few Christian Psychologist who use only Scripture in their counseling their designation of themselves as “psychologist” is unfortunate. That word has an established meaning, which […]

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Historians have noticed what Christians have failed to discover and that is the immense compromise that the Church had committed by her alliance with Constantine in the year 314 A.D. at the Synod of Arles. In this canon it was stated that Christians would be threatened with excommunication those Christian soldiers who insisted on quitting […]

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Know the Truth About War, Violence, and Self-Defense!

  The study of “right and wrong” or ethics is very important but ethics do not exhaust the full contents of what Christianity is. Ethics are concerned with the practical conduct of human life so, it is natural that curious Christian minds should have carefully investigated these rules and behavior. Also, when we find that […]

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Whose Vengeance is it Anyway?

“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay.” Yet, very many Christians across this land disagree with God and buy up guns and ammunition, enlist in the military, and belong to police forces. This response to God is rebellion and unbelief. They rip the reins of power and authority from the hands of the […]

Uncategorized cross discernment following christ Research and Discernment understanding Church Life Government sin heresy faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church peace Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism american history history Reformation Anabaptist

Generic Christianity and the Holy Spirit

What is generic christianity? Def.: Adjective: Generic ju’ne-rik 1. Applicable to an entire class or group 2. Popular Generic christianity, with a small ‘c’, is an attempt to adopt/adapt certain insights and values of the Primitive Church as a guide to the application of Scripture in the context of each succeeding generation of believers. While […]

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Celebrating the 500th Year of the Radical Reformation

We here at IndyWatchman are celebrating the 500th year of the Radical Reformation while others are celebrating just the regular Reformation which has given us the greater part of the apostasy we are witnessing today. While it was the Radicals who gave us “believers baptism” and “separation of Church and state” all the credit was […]

Uncategorized church deception discernment prophecy heresy false teachers Preachers Organized church Gospel Catholic Religion persecution Protestantism Reformation

Finding Christ in Christianity: The Hidden Treasure

Some Background I was not brought up in a Christian home. My parents did not go to Church, read the Bible, or consciously teach us children Biblical truths. They accepted Christian teachings and the Ten Commandments as generally true because those things were dominant in our culture at that time; the general consensus of America […]