church deception discernment hearing seeing understanding Church Life sin faith hypocrisy Organized church

What Would Jesus Build?

  This is an article by my friend and regular contributor to this blog, Glenn Christopherson. Glenn has a clear understanding of the problems of the age in which we live. I pray that you will take the time to read and think about what Glenn is saying. Comment if you like, but don't just […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ hearing offense sacrifice seeing troubles understanding trials sin faith Truth Organized church

How Does the Cross Offend?

For the better part of my thirty plus years of calling myself a Christian I never comprehended or understood what was meant by the “offence of the Cross.” it seemed to me that this “offence” was an overstatement. Was Christ and His Cross really offensive or just mildly disturbing and controversial? And, all the persecution, […]

apostasy church discernment following christ humanism understanding heresy false teachers hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church

Amateur Christians

  by glennchristopherson   Some time ago Calvinist icon, John Piper, ignited an internet firestorm when he invited Rick Warren to be a keynote speaker at his “Desiring God’ conference. Well, the conference is over now and the Reverend Rick, true to form, presented a man-centred pelagian message of Catholic lite heresy. Some have done a good […]

understanding books encouragement Serving trials faith

Fit For the Master’s Use

from Be thus Minded… by Pearl Have you heard of Helen Roseveare?  I hadn’t until I came across a book of hers called Living Sacrifice.  She was a medical missionary in Zaire from 1953 to 1973.  Her story is a remarkable one.   Not so much for the adventures she experienced in Africa, but more because […]

apostasy church deception discernment hearing seeing understanding Judgment hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church

Blind In One Eye

Right up front I want to say that I have a great amount of respect for all those who are fighting to expose this end time religious delusion that is sweeping across the face of the planet.   But, the fact is that if we fail to see how we, ourselves, have also been defrauded […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Emergent hearing humanism seeing understanding new age repentence hypocrisy Organized church

Redefining the Redefined Church

To redefine something we must first know the correct definition. That would be a reasonable assumption, wouldn’t you think? Yet, the organized church, which has been redefined many, many, times, and has given birth to many more sects, of which have, likewise, been redefined, is in a death struggle to maintain its present definition as […]

apostasy church deception Emergent false prophets humanism understanding Marketing sin heresy false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church entertainment

The Perils of ‘Wannabe Cool’ Christianity

Being part of a "cool" church is, well, cool. For thirty something years I have watched the organized church grow in coolness till, like a gigantic pimple, it has grown to an ugly infected mass of putrid worldliness. Quite honestly, the organized church is beginning to stink with its attempt to cover-up any trace of […]

Uncategorized hearing seeing understanding sin Truth


top secret! "The secrets of the Lord are for those that fear Him" Psalm 25:14 SECRET:  Sin Destroys our ability to "understand." It's an extremely exciting time to be a Christian* in the United States of America, here in the initial stages of the 21st century. Why?  Because the seeds of "last days persecution" are being […]

Uncategorized deception discernment seeing understanding prophecy Israel

Suicide Activist on the Gaza Flotilla

Right now as the time clock ticks within the last and final seconds before Christ returns I am seeing very little from Christians in support for Israel. It is in these last seconds that Christian backbone is tested. From what I have seen very many Christians are either finding neutral ground, where they don’t have […]

apostasy church cross deception discernment Emergent hearing humanism seeing understanding Government sin heresy false teachers faith Brian McLaren

Atheist Love Brian McLaren

How horrible it will be for you when everyone says nice things about you. That’s the way their ancestors treated the false prophets. Luke 6:26 This is yet another sign of the apostasy of Brian McLaren. In this piece on Brian’s site, he praises an atheist for saying nice things about him, who thinks Brian […]