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Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Today, as never before, the whole world is preparing for war, and as never before, Christians are united behind the effort to kill their fellow man. The blood of endless wars cry out from the ground yet the only response from today’s Christians is “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Where […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross following christ offense sacrifice suffering troubles understanding prophecy Truth peace Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom Christian End Times

Will You Be Seed or Will You Be Safe?

Most people who call themselves “Christian” are Christians by default and not by decision; they are Christians by birth or they have caught their belief the same way a person might catch a cold, by contact. Muslims are Muslims the same way, because they were born into a Muslim family or nation, and very few […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception false prophets understanding trials prophecy Marketing repentence sin Judgment heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church Hell foolishness Religion Protestantism Christian End Times disease healing

Puzzled About the Plague of Coronavirus?

I’m a little puzzled! With all the “faith” healers that surround the President, and all the television charlatans who harp their healing abilities, and all the spiritual millionaires selling books and filling stadiums, and all the Kenneth Copeland’s, and Pat Robertson’s, and T. D. Jakes, Jimmy Swaggart’s, Peter Popoff’s, Jack Van Impe’s, and Jesse Duplantis’, […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy deception discernment following christ suffering understanding trials prophecy sin Judgment Preachers Truth Hell Tragedy Gospel Politics Religion Christian End Times disease

Sin and The Virus

Is there anyone today who is not aware of the outbreak of the Corona Virus? All humans are susceptible to plagues. Just as deadly flues can infect every nation and people so is the nature of sin. No longer a resident of The Garden of Eden mankind now lives in the Garden of Evil, an […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment false prophets hearing troubles Church Life trials prophecy sin Judgment false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Gospel Justice Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history violence Christian End Times Radical-Reformation

While It Is Called TODAY

Is it possible that so many of my Protestant friends have rejected the clear teachings, of not only history, but the New Testament, concerning the use of violence against his fellowman? Yes, it is not only possible but it is actually the case. That same New Testament also confirms that in these last days that […]

Uncategorized apostasy conscience deception false prophets humanism sacrifice suffering troubles prophecy Government sin Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church war Hell Gospel Patriotism foolishness Politics Religion Protestantism history violence Christian

The Insanity of Our Sanity

“I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell.” William Tecumseh Sherman War is truly hell and violence is sadistic, yet […]

Uncategorized church discernment understanding encouragement Israel faith Truth peace Gospel Patriotism Politics Religion Christian Freedom

The Pathway to Freedom

These all died in faith, although they had not received the things that were promised. But they saw them from a distance, greeted them, and confessed that they were foreigners and temporary residents on the earth. Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they were thinking […]

Uncategorized church cross deception following christ humanism understanding Church Life Government sin faith Truth Organized church Gospel Patriotism Politics Religion Christian

In the Matrix But Not of the Matrix

We read that we are in the world and there we must remain. The Christian has been strategically placed in the world as a place of testing, a proving ground, and a place of service. This means that his thoughts, his life, and his heart cannot be controlled by the world and are derived from […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ suffering prophecy false teachers Truth war Gospel NonResistance Religion Revival persecution martyrdom

Truth and its Consequences

Are we, i.e. Christians, forever to consider with praise and respect, the technological proficiency of modern warfare, which channels the intellect to acquire the skill to murder on a mass scale? Are Christians to look with pleasure upon all the methods employed to mutilate mankind and to enable the work of destruction? Are Christian parents […]

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The Demon of Discontentment

The demonic spirit of war is in direct opposition to that of Christianity. War and violence destroy what Christ creates, and creates what Christ destroys. Misery and woe to the peaceful and gentle religion of Jesus when the demon of war, hatred, and violence rides through the land on his inflamed stallion. It is unknown to […]