I have written in the past how I came to understand that most of what we see exhibited as the “Church” in the world is not the Church the Holy Spirit has revealed through the pages of the New Testament. Any honest perusal of those pages will show plainly that there is no similarity between […]
Category: false prophets
Poor Harold Camping, the whole world has witnessed his fall, and now he must bolster his pride and continue his self-deception or confess and repent. But, let me say this in his defense; he is more honest in his promulgations than the whole camp of liberal Emergents. Harold studied the Bible, in the power of […]
Not only have we had 2000 years of waiting for the promise of Jesus and the Prophets to be fulfilled, that someday all things would come to an end, but we have had 2000 years of those who mock, and 2000 years of those who teach false doctrine. The false prophet Harold Camping (see […]
Establishing the Fact Why is it that every "Christian" thinks he or she is going to go to Heaven? The Bible is very plain concerning the fact that that isn’t going to happen. Everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will not make it. But, it doesn’t matter, wherever you go, or who ever you talk to, […]
I belong to a club of bass fishermen. In that club, there are some good and talented anglers. We all make a display of talent, even if we have only modest ability, and boast among ourselves about trophy catches, but at the end of the day it is the Kevin Van Dam=s and the […]
Roger Oakland is back after a near death accident that stopped his commentaries from shining the light of truth in the eyes of the Deceiver. His words are hard to read by those entrenched in the apostate church, but many have responded as the Holy Spirit awakens His sleeping elect, and calls them out and […]
Being part of a "cool" church is, well, cool. For thirty something years I have watched the organized church grow in coolness till, like a gigantic pimple, it has grown to an ugly infected mass of putrid worldliness. Quite honestly, the organized church is beginning to stink with its attempt to cover-up any trace of […]
Tony Jones doesn’t like labels. He says he would rather think of his Christianity as “emergence” and not “Emergent.” There is only one Christianity and it ain’t emergence or Emergent, neither is it Pentecostal, Baptist, Lutheran, or any other sect. Following Christ is to be a Christian, and for the most part they all have […]
Tony Jones, in his March 6th addition to his blog, Society for Pentecostal Studies Paper: Definitions, says he is not a liberal, which is interesting, considering the fact that he is not only liberal, but he is very liberal. Tony is so liberal that he thinks he may be conservative, or that he is neither […]
“In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” Judges 17:6 The Book of Judges, in my opinion, is the saddest book of the Bible. It show what happens to a nation when they lose their way. The book illustrates that every path, is not the right path, just because we […]