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A Critique of Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church #3 Tradition More Authoritative than Scripture

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church

#3 Tradition More Authoritative than Scripture The Reformation occurred based primarily on the issue of authority. Who has the final say in interpreting the Scriptures? The rallying cry of the Reformers was Sola Scriptura, meaning that Scriptures alone has the final say on its interpretation. The Roman church had acquired vast amounts of power and […]

Uncategorized church deception discernment false prophets heresy false teachers Doctrine Catholic Religion Pope

A Critique of Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church: #2 The Infallibility of the Catholic Church

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church

#2 The Infallibility of the Catholic Church A New Modern Twist to Gain Influence From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pope Pius IX (1846–1878), during whose pontificate the doctrine of papal infallibility was dogmatically defined by the First Vatican Council. Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church that states that, in virtue of the […]

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A Critique of Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church: #1 That the Catholic Church is the One True Church

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church

#1 That the Catholic Church is the One True Church From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Catholic Church declared in the Fourth Lateran Council that: “There is one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which there is absolutely no salvation”,[1] a statement of what is known as the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. […]

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A Critique of Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church: Introduction

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Some of the False Teachings of the Catholic Church

Introduction Some Background Before getting into the actual critique it is necessary that I make a statement about my position in this argument. Many readers will automatically assume that I have an axe to grind with the Catholic Church or Catholics in general, that is not the case at all. I was not brought up […]

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Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church: Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Part one The Latent Evil of the Vatican My brother was a strong, and to all appearances, a healthy man. At the age of 53 he died, unexpectedly. He had had warnings: a mild heart attack six months earlier and the death of our father at age 59. Dan, my brother, allowed himself to get […]

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An Urgent Inquiry into the Nature of the Church

  I have written in the past how I came to understand that most of what we see exhibited as the “Church” in the world is not the Church the Holy Spirit has revealed through the pages of the New Testament. Any honest perusal of those pages will show plainly that there is no similarity between […]