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The Christianization of War and Violence, Pt 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

This article is an introduction to a most disturbing question: Have American Christians been deluded about the issue of war and violence? Part one Christians lead the parade with a grand patriotic show of support when it comes to what they consider a “just war” cause. I was part of that parade for a long […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment Emergent humanism false teachers Doctrine Tony Jones

Tony Jones A Believer????

For the life of me I cannot read anything Tony Jones has written or said without coming to the conclusion that he is an unabashed un-believer who flaunts his own intelligence as superior to God. His latest rant over at Patheos liberal blog illustrates clearly that he is a proud, boastful, un-believer. Here he takes […]

Uncategorized cross discernment Emergent following christ humanism Research and Discernment new age Church Life false teachers Preachers Truth Gospel

Setting Aside the Power of the Gospel for a Powerless Substitute

David Dombrowski of Lighthouse Trails Research has written the following article showing that what we are experiencing in the Church today, in nearly every instance, and advertised as authentic, is not the “power of God” at all. Rather, the pure Word of God has been substituted or replaced with pop psychology, new age teachings, and […]

apostasy church deception discernment Emergent hearing offense seeing understanding Judgment false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth Organized church Willow Creek Robert Schuller prostitution Rick Warren foolishness Catholic

Religion: Satan’s Greatest Deception (A Repost)

Religion is a curious and fascinating thing. I haven't done a study on the number of religions that exist in the world: main line religions, their various branches, sects, cults, and spin offs, but the vastness has to be mind boggling, all claiming to be the truth, lead to the truth, or be a variant […]

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Chuck Colson

  Was Chuck Colson a Christian? I don't know. You might ask, "is Billy Graham a Christian?" Again I don't know; but they are both alike in many ways, especially with their embracing of the Vatican. What we do know is that Chuck held to a Christianity that is fashionable today, and very much political […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets humanism Research and Discernment understanding sin heresy false teachers hypocrisy Nicolaitan Hell Gospel foolishness Catholic

Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church: Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Part one The Latent Evil of the Vatican My brother was a strong, and to all appearances, a healthy man. At the age of 53 he died, unexpectedly. He had had warnings: a mild heart attack six months earlier and the death of our father at age 59. Dan, my brother, allowed himself to get […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets understanding prophecy Government heresy false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church Nicolaitan peace prostitution Hell Gospel Catholic

Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Part two The Historical Aim of the Papacy In the last article we looked at the latent evil that has surrounded us by not heeding the warnings of past generations and the alarms of the present times. These warnings signal a disease that is gaining more strength as we speak and has already crippled a […]

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“Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States”

What the common Protestant Christian and citizen of the United States is ignorant of, was a well known fact with many, during the nineteenth century. What was it that they, the common Christian, were ignorant of? Namely, the invasion of despotic Papal influence into the hard won civil liberties, which make up the foundation of […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Research and Discernment false teachers Truth Gospel

Keep Thy Heart with All Diligence

By David Dombrowski Used With Permission From Lighthouse Trails A growing and subtle tactic that is actually producing more “bridges” is to invite speakers of differing values, perspectives, and doctrines to the same conference and thereby make the speaker of compromised or apostate teachings appear more credible. It is all too easy in the busy […]

Uncategorized deception discernment following christ hearing humanism understanding Church Life prophecy sin hypocrisy Truth Organized church entertainment Hell Gospel Satire foolishness Catholic

Jewels Plucked From the Fist of Folly

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Jewels Plucked From the Fist of Folly

The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Part Three The Christian Fools Paradox, Black Is Black? and White Is […]