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Do You Smell Smoke?

An alarm has been sounding for some time now concerning the state of the Church but very few have paid attention. There is a small fire burning in the basement and the faint smell of smoke rises to those who are asleep. Nothing to be alarmed about! It is small and faint! Should I then […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church cross deception discernment false prophets following christ troubles understanding Church Life prophecy Government repentence sin Judgment false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth Gospel Politics Religion Protestantism martyrdom Reformation Anabaptist Christian End Times Radical-Reformation disease

Understanding the Time

It is interesting to watch how Christians react to information inspired and animated by the world. I am not pointing a finger at anyone else because I have been caught up in the hysteria myself. But, it is still interesting to analyze and to weigh where we ourselves are positioned in this pre-tribulation test. Do […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross humanism troubles understanding Church Life Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church Nicolaitan Gospel Patriotism Catholic Politics Religion Protestantism history violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian End Times

How the Church Justifies the World

Man is justified by grace, that we all know, and that is not the issue here. But, the issue is that there are errors in the thinking of conventional Christianity, by conventional Christianity I mean that which is recognized in the Church as the highest spiritual example, the standard for everything else. Today’s Christians, in […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy cross discernment following christ Church Life trials Government faith Truth peace war Gospel Patriotism Religion persecution Protestantism violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian End Times

A Timely Message About Peace

Peace, who has even heard of such a thing in our times, is it something new? The Catholics and Evangelicals know nothing of peace, confusing it with a militaristic state of control; and the Anabaptists confuse it with a physiological state of rest. Then, what is Peace? The earliest prophets anticipated peace as one of […]

church sacrifice suffering baptism holidays Government Doctrine Truth peace Gospel Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history Reformation Anabaptist Christian Freedom

Happy Reformation Day!

Trick or Treat? Many will recognize October 31st as Reformation Day. Although very few Protestants can tell you what happened on this day in 1517, those who suffered most at the hands of the Reformers can tell you clearly. On October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther, supposedly, nailed his proposal to reform the Catholic Church, better known […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross discernment understanding prophecy Truth Organized church peace Gospel NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian

The Truth is Waiting

The idea among many unbelievers is that if Christianity is “the truth” then why wasn’t it accepted as soon as it made its appearance and the lives of all men changed instantly? But, isn’t this like saying that a flower should appear in its glory before even the seed has germinated? Christianity is a new […]

Uncategorized church following christ offense sacrifice suffering prophecy faith Truth peace war Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian Freedom

Who is My Neighbor? Who is My Enemy?

Matthew 5:43-48 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain […]

Uncategorized cross following christ sacrifice suffering troubles prophecy Government Truth holiness Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom violence Reformation Christian Freedom

Harvest Time

Proverbs 10:5 “He who gathers in summer is a prudent son, but he who sleeps in harvest is a son who brings shame.” For very many years now the Protestant Church has dominated the conversation on the subject of non-resistance to the evil person, separation from the world, and separation of Church and state. They […]

Uncategorized church conscience cross following christ sacrifice suffering prophecy hypocrisy Truth Organized church peace Gospel Patriotism NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom american history Reformation Anabaptist Christian

Anabaptist Identity Conference, A Critique

Shipshewana, In, March 28 – 30, 2019 Steve Blackwell I was very excited to attend the AIC and that excitement was justified. As a rather recent convert to the Anabaptist doctrine and having spent a few days with the Hutterites in Minnesota my love for the people and their values remains untarnished. Because it was […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross discernment following christ sacrifice Government faith Truth Organized church war Gospel Patriotism Catholic Religion persecution violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian

The Most Powerful Weapon on Earth

The most unpleasant, and I must say stupid situation, I have ever found myself in is to have ownership of the most powerful weapon ever, without much caring about it or concern for its use. I can not say I was ignorant of this weapon because it was everywhere portrayed, illustrated, and exemplified by eyewitness […]