Bob Dylan asks a simple question in his song Blowin’ in the Wind, and it is this, “How many times must a man look up before he sees the sky.” Now Bob Dylan may not be a Christian, but maybe he is, I don’t know; but I do know he asks a lot of the […]
Category: Judgment
The following article is from the Lighthouse Newsletter a highly respected and documented source for up-to-date happenings in the world of deviant Christian “orthodoxy.” If you are interested in the changing landscape of the Christian Church subscribe to their Bi-monthly printed version for only $12.00 per year and have it delivered to your home or […]
Touch Not the Unclean Thing (a re-post)
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of […]
The thief on the cross believed Jesus and was saved. Having been released from all that bound him to his former life he was ready to believe with all his heart and strength the simple truth of what he was now confronted. But, what was it that he believed? Was it dogma, homiletics, patristics, liturgies, […]
How important are the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount? If we knowingly or unknowingly disobey the commands of Jesus, should we be concerned regarding our salvation? How important is it that we understand what Jesus meant when He said, “Resist not an evil person,” and the other commands regulating our behavior […]
The last article in my refutation of Dr. Robert Moyer’s pamphlet, The Christian and War, left off by answering his question, “Does God Ever Authorize Human Governments to Take Life?”. Now we will continue to unravel his web by probing his next question. “Should Nations Ever Declare War?” As is his normal way of proceeding […]
Dr. Robert Moyer states twice that the source of his answers will be the Word of God, and then qualifies the statements by saying that “. . . we shall try to be honest . . . .” Unless he had some help I will assume that the “we” is he; and as a doctor […]
It is a strange phenomenon how, over a period of time, things can become flip-flopped, and how once the flip occurs it takes on the appearance that it has always been that way. This is precisely the case pertaining to the Christian’s involvement in war and politics. It is also amazing how the very verses […]
Now that the election is over, is anyone going to make the argument that America is still a Christian nation? Now that the election is over, the logical next question is, where did we go wrong? Now that the election is over, is it time to change our political strategy? What should Christians do, now […]
Religion is a curious and fascinating thing. I haven't done a study on the number of religions that exist in the world: main line religions, their various branches, sects, cults, and spin offs, but the vastness has to be mind boggling, all claiming to be the truth, lead to the truth, or be a variant […]