Being part of a "cool" church is, well, cool. For thirty something years I have watched the organized church grow in coolness till, like a gigantic pimple, it has grown to an ugly infected mass of putrid worldliness. Quite honestly, the organized church is beginning to stink with its attempt to cover-up any trace of […]
Category: church The World System’s Methodology The Gentile system (that Jesus said we must NOT use in the Church) is filled with authority pyramid structures, programs, gimmicks, marketing, psychology, advertising, titles, schedules, meetings, etc. Jesus didn’t do any of that. HE is the Church and our “model”!! That stuff is clearly not Him! : ) “As many […]
I'm in the mood to pick a fight, and I think I have found a subject that will lose me more friends than talking about their mother, and that is, talking about their idol god, the entertaining television. We must be entertained! Many use it to get their minds off of their misery. Mothers […]
Many "churches" love to quote Tozer, to attach to themselves, his radical message and nature. Although Tozer preached hard against the Church wedded to the world he remained a part of the organized church to his dying days. This fact has did much to dilute his forcefulness and diminish his authority for the preservation of […]
The Body of Christ – Its Identity by Stella Paterson It is a well known fact that the church is often referred to as the "Body of Christ." But with the word "church" being seen as a building where people go to worship God, how do we define the "Body of Christ?" If He […]
There is a very prominent teacher within the ranks of the organized Christendom that teaches that the blood of Jesus had no intrinsic value in and of itself, that the term “the blood of Christ” is only a metaphor, or figure of speech, for the death of Christ on the Cross. He claims that Christ’s […]
Man-pleasing? Or GOD-pleasing? “For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.” Gal.1:10 The following quote was accurately written by a “pastor” of a local “church” in this city, […]
We are surrounded by deception, misrepresentations, trickery, stagecraft, illusions, sleights of hand, delusions, perceptions, opinions, marketing, advertising, and much wishful thinking, but not truth. It matters not where you go in the world, truth is hard to find. Jer 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” Eccl […]
How horrible it will be for you when everyone says nice things about you. That’s the way their ancestors treated the false prophets. Luke 6:26 This is yet another sign of the apostasy of Brian McLaren. In this piece on Brian’s site, he praises an atheist for saying nice things about him, who thinks Brian […]
In the last post the question was posed as to why there are so many different denominations and sects in the Christian Church?, and we left the answer till now. The Bible also asks the same question but states it this way, “is Christ divided?” or is, “Christ the author of confusion?” The obvious answer […]