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So, You Think You’re Pro-Life?

I am Pro-Life. I have embraced Christianity and all that Jesus taught on the subject; as a consequence I am “pro” or – in favor of – “life.” As a follower of Jesus, I find that the word “life” is the essence of His message: eternal life, abundant life, and the preservation or salvation of […]

apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ prophecy sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers peace war Gospel Patriotism NonResistance

Phil Robertson’s Gospel of Death

Does Phil Robertson speak for the whole nation? Phil Robertson on Fox News with San Hannity: Phil says he is a Christian, but he cannot say he is following Jesus. At the 3:40 marker Phil says, what Christ would never say, “Convert them or kill them.” Would Jesus say that? NO! This is not […]

apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ sacrifice suffering troubles trials Judgment faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth peace war Hell Gospel Justice NonResistance persecution

Charles H. Spurgeon an Advocate of Peace

Although Charles Spurgeon was a professed Calvinist he steadfastly rejected the use of weapons and violence, as did others like, D.L. Moody, Leonard Ravenhill, and Reinhold Neibuhr. Spurgeon plainly and forthrightly spoke to the issue, as in the following quote. “If there be anything clear in scripture, it does seem to me that it is […]

church cross following christ faith Truth Gospel Revival Iran persecution

A Refreshing Article From The Berean Call Ministry

Good news is always welcome. In the midst of all the bad news of war, death, and persecution, the news coming out of Iran that the Gospel is finding fertile ground is a needed refreshing. The following article was taken from my Berean Call email subscription. The complete article can be read from the original […]

apostasy church conscience discernment humanism understanding Church Life Judgment faith Doctrine Truth Gospel Religion

A Look Inside Moral and Religious Duties

God, in all of His glory, rules supreme in every realm of existence, and is the ultimate Authority, and this fact is a truth, to which we do not sufficiently pay heed, either in our approach to issues and problems, or in our customary practice of living life. There are many Christian people who speak […]

adversity deception humanism hypocrisy Organized church entertainment peace war Gospel Patriotism Prayer

Pray For Peace

  I listened to Reba McEntire’s new song Pray For Peace that was shared with me on Facebook. I, of course, agree that there needs to be much prayer for peace in the world, but a peace that is not of this world. We will not likely ever see the kind of peace the world prays […]

Uncategorized discernment following christ holidays false teachers faith Truth peace war Gospel Patriotism

July 4th

Professed Christians have not only made war on each other, but have attempted to sanctify all the horrors and crimes of war by religious ceremonies. Not, indeed, the ceremonies of the bloody and revengeful religion of pagans, but the ceremonies of the benign and peaceful religion of Jesus Christ. – *Noah Worcester. True peacemakers – […]

Uncategorized adversity cross following christ Church Life faith Organized church Gospel

Die Like A Man

What God asked, Abraham has done, he offered his only son. The story of the Bible is all about life, but the picture that is presented, over and over again, is all about death. There is a doorway to life; who can deny it, and it leads through narrow straits; can you see it? There […]

Uncategorized church conscience cross deception Research and Discernment Church Life Government sin heresy false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church war Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance

The American Civil Religion

What is the prevailing belief system in America? While some will argue that Christianity is the domestic devotion of the masses, I contend that there exist a well institutionalized civil religion in America that can be better branded as American Christianity or “The American Way of Life” rather than simply Christianity. This civil religion exists […]

Uncategorized sacrifice understanding holidays hypocrisy peace war Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance

Is it Wrong for a Christian to Celebrate Memorial Day?

This is my tribute to Peace. Tomorrow I will celebrate a day set-aside to remember those who have given a great sacrifice to preserve the freedom that we Americans take for granted. Anyone who is familiar with my writings may stop and wonder if what I am doing isn’t hypocritical to a stance that I […]