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Die Like A Man

What God asked, Abraham has done, he offered his only son.

The story of the Bible is all about life, but the picture that is presented, over and over again, is all about death. There is a doorway to life; who can deny it, and it leads through narrow straits; can you see it?

There is another Gospel sweeping the land; it promises life without death, Paradise without sacrifice, and “Your Best Life Now.” The message is popular, but it is a lie, it is the pottage offered in place of the promise!

I love the true Gospel; it is the answer to the riddle of life. God offered His only Son, and Jesus says, “Follow Me;” is this Good News for you?

The video clip that follows illustrates clearly the attitude of those who seek eternal life.

Don’t accept a cheap imitation.

God will provide a lamb.

2 replies on “Die Like A Man”

I had not seen that video – very nice! It’s a profound riddle that the Bible puts forth (lose your soul to save it), and few there are who truly believe it. Yet the joy of fellowship with the Father and His Son outweighs the pottage of the world. Thanks for the reminder!


That story of Abraham’s trust has done so much to keep my life on course. It is a true compass that will always point us in the right direction. I have watched this clip many times over the years and it never fails to grieve my wandering heart; I need to hear the message often.


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