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While It Is Called TODAY

Is it possible that so many of my Protestant friends have rejected the clear teachings, of not only history, but the New Testament, concerning the use of violence against his fellowman? Yes, it is not only possible but it is actually the case. That same New Testament also confirms that in these last days that […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment following christ humanism suffering understanding new age sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth Organized church Nicolaitan Religion Anabaptist Christian End Times

Psychology’s Fight Against the Word of God

In the Evangelical Protestant Church of the world a “Creeping mold” has presented itself and barely an eyebrow is lifted or anyone taken noticed. This creeping mold is humanistic Christian Psychology. In less than a century it has taken over the Christian counseling ministry of the Church. For two-thousand years the Church didn’t need it, […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment humanism new age heresy false teachers hypocrisy Doctrine Organized church Nicolaitan Gospel Justice United Nations Politics Religion Protestantism Anabaptist Christian Social Justice

Social Justice

Social Justice is not a Christian term and should only be used in relation to the confusion, conversation, and lostness of the world. The words “Social Justice” sound good and even Christian but are never found on the lips of Jesus. The Social Justice advocate is likely to use the words of Jesus to advance […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy cross following christ suffering troubles understanding Church Life trials sin faith Truth holiness peace Gospel NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom Anabaptist Christian


After being associated with the Anabaptist for a little while now the question for me arises: What is the most apparent difference between my experience with the Protestant Church and the Anabaptist Church? Both the Protestants and Anabaptist claim to preach the Gospel of Jesus, but the effect that that message has had in the […]

Uncategorized church cross deception following christ humanism Church Life prophecy sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Organized church Gospel Patriotism Religion Protestantism history Christian

The Christian as a Sign, of What?

These afterthoughts from the last article highlights the position of every Christian, but it is especially significant and important for the novice Christian because for him there is no marked separation from the world as there is for the professional Christian, the clergy. For the common Christian, there is no illusion on this subject because […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ hearing seeing understanding

God’s Awakening Call

The Call to Be the Body of Christ, Rather Than To “Attend” Something It has become more and more obvious to God’s Chosen, worldwide, that the typical expression of what is known as “church” has been influenced by the enemy, and through worldly culture. Our understanding and expression of “church,” in generation after generation, around […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ offense Research and Discernment sacrifice seeing suffering troubles understanding

A Response To Richard Abanes’ Attack Of Ken Silva

It is true, in the world, “might is right.” The rich and the powerful will prevail over the poor and the weak, but that is in the world. Christ had a new way, the Christian way. In the world, if you have the power to destroy your enemy, you are expected to use it, it […]