Uncategorized adversity church cross following christ sacrifice suffering troubles understanding trials prophecy faith Communion Truth Gospel NonResistance persecution martyrdom history Anabaptist Christian End Times Radical-Reformation

The Instrument of Our Own Undoing

We have all heard preachers talk about the Cross? What did you think of that? How was it delivered and how was it received? What is a “daily Cross”? Looking from the inside of the Protestant Church, and I would dare say all of today’s Churches, of which I was a part of for more […]

seeing understanding trials prophecy Government Judgment Doctrine war Hell Gospel Justice Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance violence Anabaptist Christian Freedom End Times propaganda

Did Jesus Die So That You Could Remain Blind?

In 1967 I was seventeen years old and the Viet Nam war was hot. Radio, newspapers, and television were filled with real, live, action and everyone knew or had heard of someone who was wounded or killed in the fighting. The country was divided then between those who were patriots and would die for their […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church cross deception discernment false prophets following christ troubles understanding Church Life prophecy Government repentence sin Judgment false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Truth Gospel Politics Religion Protestantism martyrdom Reformation Anabaptist Christian End Times Radical-Reformation disease

Understanding the Time

It is interesting to watch how Christians react to information inspired and animated by the world. I am not pointing a finger at anyone else because I have been caught up in the hysteria myself. But, it is still interesting to analyze and to weigh where we ourselves are positioned in this pre-tribulation test. Do […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross humanism troubles understanding Church Life Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church Nicolaitan Gospel Patriotism Catholic Politics Religion Protestantism history violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian End Times

How the Church Justifies the World

Man is justified by grace, that we all know, and that is not the issue here. But, the issue is that there are errors in the thinking of conventional Christianity, by conventional Christianity I mean that which is recognized in the Church as the highest spiritual example, the standard for everything else. Today’s Christians, in […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy deception discernment following christ suffering understanding trials prophecy sin Judgment Preachers Truth Hell Tragedy Gospel Politics Religion Christian End Times disease

Sin and The Virus

Is there anyone today who is not aware of the outbreak of the Corona Virus? All humans are susceptible to plagues. Just as deadly flues can infect every nation and people so is the nature of sin. No longer a resident of The Garden of Eden mankind now lives in the Garden of Evil, an […]

Uncategorized church deception following christ understanding Church Life sin Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Doctrine Organized church holiness Gospel NonResistance Religion Protestantism Christian

Practical Holiness

Is there such a thing as practical holiness? Is there a Biblical holiness that is actually displayed in the lives of Christians? Or, is the holiness mentioned in Scriptures only theoretical? Are Christians only to be concerned with knowing the fundamental principles of holiness and not the application and implementation of these principles? Holiness is […]