by glennchristopherson Two news stories in recent days caught my attention. The first reported that the Education Department (Australia) has decided in their new curriculum to remove the dating reference points BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, ie in the year of our Lord) and replace them with BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era) The cultural vandals […]
by glennchristopherson I know a lot of nice people and some of them are Christians. But somehow some of God’s people have been convinced that niceness is the name of the game…well it’s not. Now of course I’m not advocating that we should go out and be deliberately rude and insensitive and crass. But to be […]
I have written in the past how I came to understand that most of what we see exhibited as the “Church” in the world is not the Church the Holy Spirit has revealed through the pages of the New Testament. Any honest perusal of those pages will show plainly that there is no similarity between […]
by glennchristopherson Recently I listened to a debate on radio discussing the issue “Does religion cause more harm than good?” Because I knew without doubt the answer to this question, (of course it does)I listened with interest to hear the views expressed. In one corner was a Right Reverend someone or other (I had never heard of […]
The thoughts within our heads move in certain trained ways which make it easy for us to jump to conclusions or make assumptions. For instance I assume that when I use the word “God” that everyone understands that I mean the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, […]
Poor Harold Camping, the whole world has witnessed his fall, and now he must bolster his pride and continue his self-deception or confess and repent. But, let me say this in his defense; he is more honest in his promulgations than the whole camp of liberal Emergents. Harold studied the Bible, in the power of […]
Not only have we had 2000 years of waiting for the promise of Jesus and the Prophets to be fulfilled, that someday all things would come to an end, but we have had 2000 years of those who mock, and 2000 years of those who teach false doctrine. The false prophet Harold Camping (see […]
The Garden of Eden, and After
Where do we start an examination of “truth,” well, at the beginning would be a good place, so let’s go back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden. The common story of the “beginning” seems to always start and finish with the disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit. That is all well and good, but […]
David Wilkerson: His Words Live ON
A Call To Anguish httpv://
Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 11:34 PM David Wilkerson, founding pastor of Times Square Church in New York City and author of the well-known book The Cross and the Switchblade, was killed Wednesday in a head-on collision in Texas. He was 79. "It is with deepest of sadness that we have to inform you […]