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The Christianization of War and Violence Pt. 3

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

The Christians’ Justification for War and Violence As I stated in the first article, it is virtually impossible to find any support for Christians taking up arms against their enemy or for self-defense during the first 300 years of Church history. Today Christians proudly justify patriotism, involvement in politics, personal defense, capital punishment, and “just […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment Emergent humanism false teachers Doctrine Tony Jones

Tony Jones A Believer????

For the life of me I cannot read anything Tony Jones has written or said without coming to the conclusion that he is an unabashed un-believer who flaunts his own intelligence as superior to God. His latest rant over at Patheos liberal blog illustrates clearly that he is a proud, boastful, un-believer. Here he takes […]

apostasy church deception false prophets sin Judgment heresy false teachers Doctrine

Time Is Running Out For Harold Camping, Judgment Day is Definitely Coming

  Not only have we had 2000 years of waiting for the promise of Jesus and the Prophets to be fulfilled, that someday all things would come to an end, but we have had 2000 years of those who mock, and 2000 years of those who teach false doctrine.   The false prophet Harold Camping (see […]

deception discernment following christ seeing encouragement faith Doctrine Truth

What Color is Your Truth? Part 2

    What Color is Your Truth?   Part 2   Buy truth, and do not sell it; and as a bonus get wisdom, instruction, and understanding.  Proverbs 23:23   Why does truth even matter? We throw the word around as if it is important, but rarely even consider the futility of the search. Yet, […]

apostasy deception discernment Emergent seeing books sin Judgment false teachers Doctrine war war on sin Rob Bell Hell

A Little Bit About Hell, and Rob Bell; Chapter 3, Love Wins

  Rob Bell is obviously not one of those to whom the truth has been revealed, and has found it necessary to rely on his own “reason” to try and de-code Bible mysteries.  Rob’s results are laughable since he overlooks the evident simplicity of “truth.” When Jesus spoke, many misunderstood Him, because He would use […]

following christ Church Life sin faith Doctrine holiness peace war war on sin

How Much of Our Life, Strength, and Comfort Depends on Our “Dying to the Old Man”?

This is a very good question since we all want to be strong, healthy, and enjoy many good days of peace and comfort.   Many a man has spent his whole life in the fight against indwelling sin, in a constant battle, and has never seen a day of comfort, and feel all the time […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Emergent hearing seeing understanding new age The Shack sin Judgment heresy false teachers hypocrisy Doctrine Truth


Here is an article with a video at the end which I came across while perusing the internet looking for information to add to a database I am trying to develop of the Emerging Church and its leaders. The article is very well written and is a first hand account of the 2009 National Pastors […]

Uncategorized church cross hearing sacrifice sin heresy faith Preachers Doctrine Truth

The Perfect Blood of Christ

There is a very prominent teacher within the ranks of the organized Christendom that teaches that the blood of Jesus had no intrinsic value in and of itself, that the term “the blood of Christ” is only a metaphor, or figure of speech, for the death of Christ on the Cross. He claims that Christ’s […]