February 20, 2018 Deviant Christian activity has become the norm today. You can find virtually anything to be accepted and promoted from the pulpits of once “faithful” Churchs. This slide has not gone unannounced by Scripture, for example: 2 Timothy 3:1-2 “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.” Matthew 24:11 “Many […]
Category: church
Historians have noticed what Christians have failed to discover and that is the immense compromise that the Church had committed by her alliance with Constantine in the year 314 A.D. at the Synod of Arles. In this canon it was stated that Christians would be threatened with excommunication those Christian soldiers who insisted on quitting […]
The study of “right and wrong” or ethics is very important but ethics do not exhaust the full contents of what Christianity is. Ethics are concerned with the practical conduct of human life so, it is natural that curious Christian minds should have carefully investigated these rules and behavior. Also, when we find that […]
Are we, i.e. Christians, forever to consider with praise and respect, the technological proficiency of modern warfare, which channels the intellect to acquire the skill to murder on a mass scale? Are Christians to look with pleasure upon all the methods employed to mutilate mankind and to enable the work of destruction? Are Christian parents […]
“Vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay.” Yet, very many Christians across this land disagree with God and buy up guns and ammunition, enlist in the military, and belong to police forces. This response to God is rebellion and unbelief. They rip the reins of power and authority from the hands of the […]
Scripture teaches us that every time God has appeared to man it has required great sacrifice, the sacrifice of their idols. If a man is to break with the world here is where that break will happen – the times when we lust for our old prison cell and our old gods, and we long […]
So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. Luke 17:10 We have all probably read these words and may have acknowledged that Solomon was right when he said, “Vanity of vanity all is […]
Celebrating the 500th Year of the Radical Reformation
We here at IndyWatchman are celebrating the 500th year of the Radical Reformation while others are celebrating just the regular Reformation which has given us the greater part of the apostasy we are witnessing today. While it was the Radicals who gave us “believers baptism” and “separation of Church and state” all the credit was […]
Why is it that discernment ministries are afraid to address the topic of nonresistance even though I believe that some of them are nonresistant, at least in principle? During the Reformation there were three things that caused great distress to the Reformers Zwingli, Luther, and Calvin, and they were: 1) The separation of Church […]
What does it mean to be in the world but not of it? I know it means different things to different Christian people, and that it has become the “Get Out of Jail Free Card” for all those who love the world and use this verse of Scripture to justify all of their dirty little […]