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US Army View of PreMillennialism Strategic Implications of American Millennialism

I hesitate to post this in light of the fact that it has not been verified. I am not given to posting articles that promote conspiracy theories or alarmist type issues without proof. But, there are times when something has the ring of truth, especially in regard to the fulfillment of end time Biblical prophecy, […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Emergent false prophets hearing humanism seeing understanding new age prophecy Climate Change

The World is About to Change Again, and Still No Repentance

There is all kinds of talk about “justice” these days: social justice, economic justice, and climate justice. These are all code words of this world to mean, as they have always meant to social engeneers who fashion themselves as the saviors of Planet Earth, oneness, ecumenicism, unity, harmony, one world government, Socialism, and Communism. The […]

apostasy conscience deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism offense seeing troubles understanding new age prophecy Marketing

The Manhattan Declaration

I’m curious, how many declarations, proclamations, manifestos, creeds, and statements of faith does it take to turn a ruthlessly vain and evil race of people into moral, dignified, and respectable human beings. The answer to that question is, there is not enough paper to print all the decrees necessary to save us? Let’s look for […]

adversity apostasy church cross deception hearing humanism offense sacrifice seeing suffering troubles understanding encouragement holidays trials

On Giving Thanks

This week is Thanksgiving and many of us will come together and give thanks to our Lord for the blessings he has blessed us throughout the year. I believe that, for most people, the “thank you “ part of Thanksgiving is the most boring part. It has been relegated to mere ritual, where the most […]

adversity apostasy church conscience cross deception discernment false prophets following christ hearing humanism sacrifice seeing suffering troubles understanding new age Serving trials prophecy Marketing

An Open Letter to Eagle Church

Due to the increased interest in this letter I have decided to re-post it. It was originally posted 2-18-2006. The letter contains many thing that will assist others in approaching their Church leadership and in making the hard decisions of whether or not to leave organized religion and to seek God on His terms apart […]

Uncategorized church following christ understanding encouragement Church Life Serving

But WITH Vision…!!!

But WITH Vision…!!! “Without Vision, the People cast off restraint.” Few expressions are as painful to ponder as this. The reality of watching this happen — visionless people throwing off Life and Reality — people who sell their dream, JESUS’ Dream is an unthinkable tragedy. And yet these wasted lives and potential, these wounds to […]

Uncategorized adversity cross suffering troubles understanding encouragement Church Life trials

Brokenness And Discipline

What does our physical circumstances have to do with the spiritual life of the child of God? Watchman Nee, in the sixth chapter of his book The Release of the Spirit, displays much spiritual wisdom in answering that question. The many grains of sand that make up the mountain of tribulations, that we very often […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets following christ hearing humanism seeing understanding Church Life

Is the Christian Life Sustainable?

“But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor […]

church conscience cross discernment following christ hearing sacrifice seeing understanding encouragement baptism

What God Says About Water Baptism

What God Says About Water Baptism A Fresh Look… Download PDF Related items: “Re-baptism” It is unfortunate, yet undeniable, that the subject of water baptism has polarized and divided men for centuries. Unregenerate religious leaders and other “christians” have littered history with ungodly exploits in defense of their doctrines. Not uncommon are accounts of religious […]

Uncategorized apostasy church conscience cross deception discernment following christ hearing sacrifice seeing understanding baptism

Baptism: A Further Perspective

“The Holy Spirit will lead you into all righteousness” are truthful words that should not be ignored. The subject of “baptism,” of which I have given very little thought over the years, has all of a sudden risen up in my spirit as something that needs attention. I decided to pursue this leading and see […]