adversity apostasy church conscience cross deception discernment false prophets following christ hearing humanism sacrifice seeing suffering troubles understanding new age Serving trials prophecy Marketing

An Open Letter to Eagle Church

Due to the increased interest in this letter I have decided to re-post it. It was originally posted 2-18-2006. The letter contains many thing that will assist others in approaching their Church leadership and in making the hard decisions of whether or not to leave organized religion and to seek God on His terms apart […]

Uncategorized apostasy deception discernment Emergent false prophets humanism Research and Discernment seeing understanding books new age Marketing

Doug Pagitt’s New Book: A Christianity Worth Believing – NOT Worth Believing!

Lighthouse Trails give us a “Heads-up” as they present this review by Ezra McGill on Doug Pagitt’s new book.  Please take the time to read this and then pass it along. Steve Blackwell oug Pagitt’s New Book: A Christianity Worth Believing – NOT Worth Believing! by Ezra McGill Free-lance writer In his book, A Christianity […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Emergent hearing humanism seeing understanding new age Marketing

Evangelical Movement at ‘Head-Snapping’ Moment, Says Scholar

I am certainly not an advocate for the new evangelical/emerging church movement, but the following article causes me to ask some serious questions that no one seems to be addressing. The question is WHY? Why is the Church crumbling and in the position that it’s in today? Why are the young embracing a new form […]

apostasy church deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism seeing understanding

Cry Baby Christians

I don’t believe there is another issue that turns my heat up as fast as cry baby preachers. It is very apparent that these “men of God” sincerely feel that the world owes them something. These 80 preachers, mentioned in the article below, are not the exception to the rule– in this Laodicean age of […]

Uncategorized adversity church discernment hearing seeing understanding books

The Virus of 1918, and Beyond

The Virus of 1918, and Beyond This title is part of: The Sword Download PDF Also available in: Português Deutsch Français Related items: Virus of 1918 Discussion Monday Night, November 22, 1999 A question, during a spontaneous time with Saints in South Carolina. The question came from a businessman with some serious international “responsibilities.” You’ll […]

Uncategorized apostasy church conscience cross deception discernment following christ hearing sacrifice seeing understanding baptism

Baptism: A Further Perspective

“The Holy Spirit will lead you into all righteousness” are truthful words that should not be ignored. The subject of “baptism,” of which I have given very little thought over the years, has all of a sudden risen up in my spirit as something that needs attention. I decided to pursue this leading and see […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment following christ hearing seeing understanding

To “Preachers” and “Pastors” and “Authors” and “Music-Makers”

To “Preachers” and “Pastors” and “Authors” and “Music-Makers” For all of those in ivory towers, never spilling blood for a Down’s syndrome child, never wrestling for hours to help a relationship in turmoil (other than by some ridiculous “appointment” or “session”), never losing sleep for twenty consecutive nights praying, or seldom helping in setting captives […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment false prophets following christ hearing seeing understanding encouragement

Experience or CHRIST-Substance?

Here are a few of the truths we all should be in agreement on as Christ followers… Romans 14:17 For the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Mark 12:28-31 One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism Research and Discernment seeing troubles understanding new age

Rick Warren’s New Magazine Promotes the New Global Spirituality

When I go shopping I am always amazed at the high prices and low quality of the merchandise I purchase. I dislike cheap craftsmanship, especially when I thought I was buying “quality.” If I buy something from China, I get what I pay for. I know, going in, that the quality will not be there […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism Research and Discernment seeing understanding

The Gospel Coalition???

There seems to be a smell coming from this coalition and it is emanating from the area of Mark Driscoll.  I know that there are many who support Mark and his filthiness, and that is O.K., that is their prerogative, but it is also the prerogative of others to warn the “unsuspecting” away from the […]