Dear Friends: As apparently very few are yet aware of the fact that the Church is in the midst of a full frontal attack by the forces of evil; the whole landscape of Christianity is changing. What was once to be considered a battle on a single front is now a major offensive against the […]
Category: war on sin
It is a strange phenomenon how, over a period of time, things can become flip-flopped, and how once the flip occurs it takes on the appearance that it has always been that way. This is precisely the case pertaining to the Christian’s involvement in war and politics. It is also amazing how the very verses […]
The Christians’ Justification for War and Violence As I stated in the first article, it is virtually impossible to find any support for Christians taking up arms against their enemy or for self-defense during the first 300 years of Church history. Today Christians proudly justify patriotism, involvement in politics, personal defense, capital punishment, and “just […]
Rob Bell is obviously not one of those to whom the truth has been revealed, and has found it necessary to rely on his own “reason” to try and de-code Bible mysteries. Rob’s results are laughable since he overlooks the evident simplicity of “truth.” When Jesus spoke, many misunderstood Him, because He would use […]
This is a very good question since we all want to be strong, healthy, and enjoy many good days of peace and comfort. Many a man has spent his whole life in the fight against indwelling sin, in a constant battle, and has never seen a day of comfort, and feel all the time […]
Why does the idea of sin not take Christians by the neck and shake the Devil out of them? Because the vast majority of Believers care little about sin in their own lives, and give precious little thought about how and why sin deceives us and seeks to destroy us. Sin is the prevailing evil […]