What is the prevailing belief system in America? While some will argue that Christianity is the domestic devotion of the masses, I contend that there exist a well institutionalized civil religion in America that can be better branded as American Christianity or “The American Way of Life” rather than simply Christianity. This civil religion exists […]
Category: Organized church
On March 28, 2014, Anchor-Cross Publishing and Followers of the Way sponsored a debate on the subject of just war. We sought to bring leading thinkers together to discuss the issue in historic Faneuil Hall in downtown Boston. Speaking on behalf of just war were Dr. Peter Kreeft (professor of philosophy at Boston College) and […]
William W. (Bill) Gothard (born November 2, 1934) is an American Christian minister, speaker, and writer, and the founder of the Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP), notable for his conservative teachings. Among the several strong distinctives of his teaching have been encouragement of Bible memorization, large families, homeschooling, aversion to debt, respect for authority, […]
Did Jesus teach by word and deed the things He expects His children to imitate? If not, then what was the purpose of His appealing to our ability to follow Him? Was Jesus being unrealistic in His great sermon where He plainly states that we should love our enemies and resist not an evil person? […]
Bob Dylan asks a simple question in his song Blowin’ in the Wind, and it is this, “How many times must a man look up before he sees the sky.” Now Bob Dylan may not be a Christian, but maybe he is, I don’t know; but I do know he asks a lot of the […]
There is a word in the world today that has become synonymous with deception, illusion, and fantasy, the word is “photoshopped.” The Urban Dictionary def.: 1 photoshopped 1: Used to describe something that is fake. Can be a person, thing or act. 2: An image that has literally been drawn or edited with the program […]
Books.JesusLifeTogether.com/Foundations-Series/Hammer/Europe-30-Yrs-Ago T. Austin Sparks Refused to be Content With Compromised Religion “We look out on the world today, on what we call the Christian world, and we see its state, which is indeed very like that in the days of the Judges. We see divisions and failures in what is called ‘the Church,’ and the […]
Touch Not the Unclean Thing (a re-post)
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of […]
The Western World’s constitutions have equally drawn their inspiration from this set of Christ’s teachings, which we will correctly refer to as the commands of Christ. These commands have become so embedded in our society that they are now mere metaphors for “doing your best”: Do unto others…Turn the other cheek…Go the extra mile…are all […]
Where are we to look for truth, in a smoking mountain, an earthquake, a hurricane, the explosive force of a blazing fire or the rising tide of a grand tsunami, a swarm of locust or a plague of disease, or the suffocating death of the Mosaic Law? Many of us have been lead to truth […]