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Psychology’s Fight Against the Word of God

In the Evangelical Protestant Church of the world a “Creeping mold” has presented itself and barely an eyebrow is lifted or anyone taken noticed. This creeping mold is humanistic Christian Psychology. In less than a century it has taken over the Christian counseling ministry of the Church. For two-thousand years the Church didn’t need it, […]

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Social Justice

Social Justice is not a Christian term and should only be used in relation to the confusion, conversation, and lostness of the world. The words “Social Justice” sound good and even Christian but are never found on the lips of Jesus. The Social Justice advocate is likely to use the words of Jesus to advance […]

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Cain, The Spirit of the Modern Gospel

There is a characteristic of this church age that can only be classified as a new theology, but has its true origin in the brother of Abel. It cannot be denied that all we see today – the death of God, the elevation of the love of humanity over faith in God, the separation of […]

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Bad News for Gaither Followers – Gloria Gaither Praises New Age Teachers Sue Monk Kidd and Richard Rohr

February 20, 2018 Deviant Christian activity has become the norm today. You can find virtually anything to be accepted and promoted from the pulpits of once “faithful” Churchs. This slide has not gone unannounced by Scripture, for example: 2 Timothy 3:1-2 “But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.” Matthew 24:11 “Many […]

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Another Look at the Catholic Church

Some things are worth repeating. Dave Hunt wrote a book twenty years ago called A Woman Rides the Beast that needs to be revisited. I have friends who have joined the Catholic Church because they were seeking religion, and they have, without a doubt, found the ultimate religion. In Dave’s book he shows accurately with […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Emergent understanding new age sin Judgment heresy false teachers Brian McLaren hypocrisy Doctrine Truth Rob Bell Rick Warren Tony Jones

Brian McLaren’s Mystery Project Out of the Bag – CANA Initiative – A Gathering of Emergents

The following article is from the Lighthouse Newsletter a highly respected and documented source for up-to-date happenings in the world of deviant Christian “orthodoxy.” If you are interested in the changing landscape of the Christian Church subscribe to their Bi-monthly printed version for only $12.00 per year and have it delivered to your home or […]

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Dear Friends: As apparently very few are yet aware of the fact that the Church is in the midst of a full frontal attack by the forces of evil; the whole landscape of Christianity is changing. What was once to be considered a battle on a single front is now a major offensive against the […]

Uncategorized cross discernment Emergent following christ humanism Research and Discernment new age Church Life false teachers Preachers Truth Gospel

Setting Aside the Power of the Gospel for a Powerless Substitute

David Dombrowski of Lighthouse Trails Research has written the following article showing that what we are experiencing in the Church today, in nearly every instance, and advertised as authentic, is not the “power of God” at all. Rather, the pure Word of God has been substituted or replaced with pop psychology, new age teachings, and […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy discernment new age Organized church Homeschool Gospel

Sounding the Trumpet in the Midst of Apostasy – The Enemy is in the Camp!

By David Dombrowski   Lighthouse Trails Editor Over the past ten years, we have watched with a mixture of surprise and sadness at how an apostate church has materialized before our eyes. It all began for us here at Lighthouse Trails when we met Ray Yungen in 2000. Though we were not publishers back then, […]

Uncategorized church deception discernment Emergent false prophets understanding new age prophecy sin Judgment heresy false teachers Truth prostitution

Harold Camping, Still More Honest Than Emergents

Poor Harold Camping, the whole world has witnessed his fall, and now he must bolster his pride and continue his self-deception or confess and repent. But, let me say this in his defense; he is more honest in his promulgations than the whole camp of liberal Emergents. Harold studied the Bible, in the power of […]