To my Christian brothers and sisters: I have put two links here for you to read concerning your involvement with the things of this world, and at this particular season that would include politics and voting. There is a lot at stake, not with the leading of this country, but with the things we have […]
Category: Gospel
STEVE BLACKWELL·SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 Everywhere I turn in the New Testament I find confirmation to the doctrine of non-resistance to evil. Paul in his writings confirms non-resistance in many places, but I never expected to find confirmation in his epistle of joy, the letter to the Philippians. How many times do we do […]
Discovering Columbus In Ted Morgan’s book, Wilderness At Dawn, The Settling of the North American Continent, he places this picture from the Elizabeth Waldo-Dentzel Collection, by Joshua Shaw called, The Coming of the White Man. “A ship appears on the horizon line, with the sun rising behind it, while in the foreground four Indians on […]
The Lesson of the Lamb
Christ’s example to us is richly illustrated, demonstrated, and exemplified by way of His many teachings and in His genius and spirit. He could have easily commanded armies and defeated every corrupt ruler and coercive power on earth, if it pleased Him. But He did not avail himself of such power. Christ yielded Himself, as […]
The behavior and character upon which Christ pronounced His sincere blessings, i.e. The Beatitudes, in Matthew 5, are exceedingly remarkable. They are these: 1. Poor in spirit, 2. Sorrow and mourning, 3. Humility or meekness, 4. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness, 5. Mercy, 6. Pureness of heart, 7. Peacemaking, and 8. Persecution for righteousness sake. […]
How Matthew 5:39 Woke Me Up
“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7 Understanding what Christ meant when he uttered these words, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But […]
What Does it Mean to be a Totally Devoted Follower of Jesus? Where in all of Christendom must a person go to find such a person today? This is a chilling inquiry considering the words of our Lord, that finding faith on the earth at His return, is questionable. If we are living in the […]
Devotion is not prayer, regardless of how it is done, private or public, neither is it time spent in reading some favorite devotional, or a certain time set aside on Sunday after church; but it is rather a life given to God. So, who is a devoted person? It is that person who considers God […]
Tonight as I lay in my bed I am reminded of sounds I experienced 47 years ago, only then they were the sounds of death, pain, and suffering. Tonight while Christians across this land, those who say they celebrate life, celebrate death. Solomon once said, speaking of Wisdom, Whoever fails to find Me harms himself; […]
Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn To Live as Exiles in Our Own Country Voting Republican and other failed culture war strategies are not going to save us now Over at the above article chronicles the the demise of the Conservative American way of life, but is this some kind of surprise? Not to anyone […]