This is something I put together awhile back, but has never found its way into the mailbox. As I was sitting at my desk I pulled it up and read it. It spoke to me very loudly; I’m not sure why? I’m not going through any particularly trying times at the moment. So, maybe it […]
Author: indywatchman
As to be expected, now that Pat Robertson has taken the lead many others are venturing to add their two cents worth and provide an innocuous account of what has happened. The Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dallas tries his hand at an answer, but fails to answer why God allows such extensive […]
Why shouldn’t the focus be on the sins of the Nation of Haiti? I am no fan of Pat Robertson and consider him a false prophet, but at least he ventured to place the emphasis where it belongs, on sin and judgment. Does this mean that Pat or myself hate these people and glory in […]
The Path of Apostasy
A Look At How the Modern Church Became Apostate Francis Schaeffer was prophetic in his view of the future, not because he added extra Biblical material to some make believe dream or vision, but because understood history and the Bible. He was able to place, along the path to apostasy, markers and signs, for wayfaring […]
JUDGMENT DAY THE END OF THE WORLD IS ALMOST HERE! HOLY GOD WILL BRING JUDGMENT DAY ON MAY 21, 2011 Harold Camping is a false prophet. He is prophesying, on his website, that God has told him that the Lord will return on May 21, 2011. He has prophesied the return of the Lord another […]
Over at CALL TO DISCERNMENT I came across the following YouTube of Todd Friel interviewing Doug Padgitt of the Emerging Church. If it wasn’t so sad it would be hilarious. How can those guys really believe the things they preach. Watch the video and have a good laugh or cry or whatever. httpv://
I hesitate to post this in light of the fact that it has not been verified. I am not given to posting articles that promote conspiracy theories or alarmist type issues without proof. But, there are times when something has the ring of truth, especially in regard to the fulfillment of end time Biblical prophecy, […]
Following the demise of the Body of Christ over the last several years has a wearing effect. The things that are going on in the “Church” is beyond words and has on occasions left me with my face in my hands between outrage and hysteria. Is it possible for “believers” to fall any further. When […]
There is all kinds of talk about “justice” these days: social justice, economic justice, and climate justice. These are all code words of this world to mean, as they have always meant to social engeneers who fashion themselves as the saviors of Planet Earth, oneness, ecumenicism, unity, harmony, one world government, Socialism, and Communism. The […]
I very much appreciate the replies I get on post here at Indy Watchman. Lately I have received replies that have confirmed that the Lord is indeed using this web site to minister to and encourage His children in this late hour. I too need encouragement, and the reciprocating effect of ministering to others is […]