In what principle does the rule of war lay? War is the deferment of logic and common sense on the questions of peace and courtesy, from the court of Christian ethics to the bar of brute force.
Two-thousand years after the coming of the Prince of Peace, this relic of demonic barbarism is still held to by those who go by the name of Christian. Christians who forage for glory amongst the world’s homicidal blunders have misread the heart of God, believing to return evil for evil will bring His divine approval.

One reply on “Christian Principles and War”
“Forage for glory…” captures the essence of so much that Christians do regarding their relationship to a world which hates Christ. Although in a different context, Jesus said that seeking man’s glory is a hindrance to faith (John 5:41-44). “Love not the things of this world… the boastful pride of life…” (1 John 2:15-16)