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“A New Kind of Christianity”, Follow Me

“In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” Judges 17:6

The Book of Judges, in my opinion, is the saddest book of the Bible.  It show what happens to a nation when they lose their way. The book illustrates that every path, is not the right path, just because we call ourselves Followers of God or Christ. There are many imagined ways to God, but only one path is the right path. These are days of darkness and not light; days of confusion and not understanding. We are reliving the Book of Judges, following our own imaginations of what God requires, and missing the mark by a million miles.

Brian McLaren is leading the charge into this new eclectic Christian wonderland. With every book and video, or speaking engagement, more boldness is shown, and more people are mesmerized, with the thoughts of having their own “form” of the Christian religion.  By following Brian’s heresy they are cutting wide avenues into the un-saving grace of liberal theology, a land of no return, for most, who venture there.

Tim Challies has read Brian’s new book and given a telling review of what is to be found there. If you are so inclined to purchase Brian’s book, at least see what others have to say.  In this age of “everyone doing what is right in his own eyes,” be very cautious of where you trod, dangers lurk in places you would never expect to find it, and many are swept away by the Serpent’s tongue, and pen.

Follow the link below to read Tim’s review.

3 replies on ““A New Kind of Christianity”, Follow Me”


“Here, at the Cross, is the answers to the questions of the world, and here lays the answers to your questions. Strive to enter in at the narrow gate, always. We mustn’t buy into the modern gospel, or the dictates of the flesh, they are lies.” …


I do not struggle with this modern gospel that is presented; it is ‘snake oil’ – I am still amazed however, though I know why, that it is so accepted – and I have to be honest, it makes me both angry and sad…and it is only going to get worse.

As I personally struggle in this flesh of mine, as you said, “Strive to enter in at the narrow gate, always.” – Is my desire. I have hope, through Christ, that each ‘struggle’ will produce in me more of Him and less of me – as I strive to enter. And no, I must not buy into the dictates of the flesh to accomplish what is necessary.

I am so encouraged by you – thanks!


Yes, the book of Judges is quite a sad book…and I cannot help but apply it to this individual heart of mine – I weep at the thought of, “everyone doing what is right in his own eyes,” …and as I face the trials that I am in (which by far are nothing in comparison to what some find themselves in, but nonetheless where I am) – I cannot help but wonder, and fear, that I am deceived by my own flesh. The power of the flesh… being deceived, not pleasing the LORD in all I do, and worse yet, claiming something of Him that is of me, is such a concern of mine that at times I find that I am paralyzed. I know that this does not please Him, for it demonstrates a lack of faith – a lack in believing that He will guide me – a belief that somehow my ‘works’ saves me – LORD have mercy on my soul.

As I read the review of Brian’s new book, along with the analogy at the beginning, I feel such shame and brokenness – such an ache in the heart, though nothing is new under the sun, so to speak, but I cannot help but think that our Father is broken to see such distortion of His word – His character; and again cannot help but apply it to my own heart – my life. Am I distorting God’s character?


What Brian McLaren is saying and doing is not new. God has seen fit to warn us of those who would pervert His truth. We see their work in the early Church, and we also see how they became more and more acceptable, and then made their way into the pulpit, and eventually engulf the whole organization.

If you would study the early Church history you could/would come away thinking that the early church fathers were pure as the driven snow. The Protestant Church embraces nearly all that came out of the seven ecumenical councils, especially the first four, as the acceptable “form” of Christianity sanctioned by God Himself. But, there is another side to those councils, the side of apostasy. After Constantine formed the bond of church and state brotherhood and the outward persecution stopped, the inward persecution began. We will look in vain for the true Church within the walls and boundaries of the “now” formal hierarchical church organization, that is the child of these councils. But, if we look closely we will find something still alive. The councils condemned the Donatist as heretics because they wanted a pure undefiled worship. They banished the leaders to exile, imposed penalties on the laity, confiscated their property, and killed many of them to secure for themselves a mechanical manmade system undeterred by God. The condemnation was orchestrated by none other than that highly venerated saint, Augustine. I’m not saying that all that Augustine wrote or did was bad, but he did always lead his readers and followers into the obviously apostate Catholic church organization where they would become slaves to apostate masters.

The true Church has always been small and hidden and persecuted, and that is still true today. Stand in the way with righteousness and you will be knocked down; that is the way of the Cross. That is not to say that we are always correct in our efforts to serve God, and neither were the Donatist, but they recognized that their pursuit was in going back, and not forward. They, and we, will get it wrong, and we will feel unworthy and traitorous in much of what we do, but we must look for the boundary markers and strive to stay within the marked path. And, when we venture astray, either voluntarily or involuntarily, we must apply the Blood of His suffering, and find our forgiveness in His mercy, and repent. He is always telling us to “return and do your first works over again.” This is not a return to some creed or precious memory, and not to the writings of men, but all the way back to the beginning, to the Cross, where we found forgiveness, faith, and repentance.

Here, at the Cross, is the answers to the questions of the world, and here lays the answers to your questions. Strive to enter in at the narrow gate, always. We mustn’t buy into the modern gospel, or the dictates of the flesh, they are lies.


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