Why shouldn’t the focus be on the sins of the Nation of Haiti? I am no fan of Pat Robertson and consider him a false prophet, but at least he ventured to place the emphasis where it belongs, on sin and judgment. Does this mean that Pat or myself hate these people and glory in […]
Tag: troubles
I hesitate to post this in light of the fact that it has not been verified. I am not given to posting articles that promote conspiracy theories or alarmist type issues without proof. But, there are times when something has the ring of truth, especially in regard to the fulfillment of end time Biblical prophecy, […]
Following the demise of the Body of Christ over the last several years has a wearing effect. The things that are going on in the “Church” is beyond words and has on occasions left me with my face in my hands between outrage and hysteria. Is it possible for “believers” to fall any further. When […]
I’m curious, how many declarations, proclamations, manifestos, creeds, and statements of faith does it take to turn a ruthlessly vain and evil race of people into moral, dignified, and respectable human beings. The answer to that question is, there is not enough paper to print all the decrees necessary to save us? Let’s look for […]
This week is Thanksgiving and many of us will come together and give thanks to our Lord for the blessings he has blessed us throughout the year. I believe that, for most people, the “thank you “ part of Thanksgiving is the most boring part. It has been relegated to mere ritual, where the most […]
Due to the increased interest in this letter I have decided to re-post it. It was originally posted 2-18-2006. The letter contains many thing that will assist others in approaching their Church leadership and in making the hard decisions of whether or not to leave organized religion and to seek God on His terms apart […]
PROPHETIC -by A.W. Tozer If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of leader. The proper, ruler-of-the- […]
Today I saw a bumper sticker that read “So Many Christians, So Few Lions.” I had pulled into a McDonald’s for lunch and happened to come along side a nice looking Mercedes automobile with this sticker on the bumper, so I pulled in beside it. I decided to wait for a few minutes to see […]
I love Tozer, he spoke direct and there were none who could not understand what he was saying. Today he would be called “rude,” brash, intolerant, unkind, unloving, and all the other words used by the Emergent New Age Church to stem the flow of truth. Even the CMA Church I left, Eagle Church in […]
The world is corrupt in all its ways and in all its thoughts, it can’t help it, that’s just the way it is. Likewise, the institutional church has become corrupt to the core. How has this happened? It has happened for one specific reason; mankind continues to eat from the wrong tree. There were two […]