Uncategorized church cross discernment following christ troubles encouragement Church Life Judgment faith Doctrine Truth Organized church holiness peace Gospel Justice Religion Revival persecution Protestantism history violence Anabaptist Christian Freedom End Times Radical-Reformation

Getting Engaged

No! I am not looking for a wife, I am perfectly content with the one I’ve had for the last fifty years. But, what I have experienced of Christianity and the Church for the last forty-five years has not prepared me for adequately engaging the world creatively or constructively, and for this I need to […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross following christ offense sacrifice suffering troubles understanding prophecy Truth peace Gospel Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom Christian End Times

Will You Be Seed or Will You Be Safe?

Most people who call themselves “Christian” are Christians by default and not by decision; they are Christians by birth or they have caught their belief the same way a person might catch a cold, by contact. Muslims are Muslims the same way, because they were born into a Muslim family or nation, and very few […]

seeing understanding trials prophecy Government Judgment Doctrine war Hell Gospel Justice Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance violence Anabaptist Christian Freedom End Times propaganda

Did Jesus Die So That You Could Remain Blind?

In 1967 I was seventeen years old and the Viet Nam war was hot. Radio, newspapers, and television were filled with real, live, action and everyone knew or had heard of someone who was wounded or killed in the fighting. The country was divided then between those who were patriots and would die for their […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church cross deception Emergent humanism offense prophecy Government sin Judgment heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church Nicolaitan Gospel Patriotism Politics Religion Protestantism history Christian End Times

Following the Church To the World

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series Christendom's Dishonest Credentials

The Pied Piper of the 21st Century “Justification” is a word that we Christians love and rightly so, it is fundamental to our belief. The justification, as historically validated by Christ and preached by the Apostles, is not the Justification at issue in this article. The issue here is a fault that has been weaved […]

Uncategorized apostasy deception discernment humanism sacrifice suffering troubles Church Life trials prophecy Government sin Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Truth war Hell Gospel Patriotism foolishness Catholic Politics Religion Protestantism violence Christian End Times

Blistering Heat and A Boiling Caldron

“He makes the depths seethe like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like blistering oil” The world is fighting evil on every front and every nation sees its neighbor as evil. Man has not fought his most difficult battle because it is the battle he must fight with himself, his own flesh. The […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy cross discernment following christ Church Life trials Government faith Truth peace war Gospel Patriotism Religion persecution Protestantism violence Reformation Anabaptist Christian End Times

A Timely Message About Peace

Peace, who has even heard of such a thing in our times, is it something new? The Catholics and Evangelicals know nothing of peace, confusing it with a militaristic state of control; and the Anabaptists confuse it with a physiological state of rest. Then, what is Peace? The earliest prophets anticipated peace as one of […]

church sacrifice suffering baptism holidays Government Doctrine Truth peace Gospel Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism martyrdom history Reformation Anabaptist Christian Freedom

Happy Reformation Day!

Trick or Treat? Many will recognize October 31st as Reformation Day. Although very few Protestants can tell you what happened on this day in 1517, those who suffered most at the hands of the Reformers can tell you clearly. On October 31st, 1517 Martin Luther, supposedly, nailed his proposal to reform the Catholic Church, better known […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy cross following christ suffering troubles understanding Church Life trials sin faith Truth holiness peace Gospel NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom Anabaptist Christian


After being associated with the Anabaptist for a little while now the question for me arises: What is the most apparent difference between my experience with the Protestant Church and the Anabaptist Church? Both the Protestants and Anabaptist claim to preach the Gospel of Jesus, but the effect that that message has had in the […]