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Christendom’s Dishonest Credentials

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series Christendom's Dishonest Credentials

Introduction The Church, from its birth, began a noticeable downward slide of devolution and transmutation to the eventual effect that its nature was no longer unified nor spiritual. From the 3rd Century forward, it began to pass through numerous distortions in doctrine and appearance which repeatedly divided and disjointed the Body. (Bear in mind that […]

NonResistance Gospel Organized church Truth hypocrisy faith false teachers repentence Government prophecy Church Life troubles suffering following christ false prophets deception cross apostasy Freedom Uncategorized Christian Anabaptist violence history american history Protestantism persecution Religion

Where We Are At Today

In the national life of our country, the prevailing Christian thought is that of Protestantism while the Anabaptist have sought out safety, security, and isolation from persecution. Consequently, since the 1920’s general societal shift to liberalism, we are today left with the collapses of Christianity. What we now see is an image of a building […]