#3 Tradition More Authoritative than Scripture The Reformation occurred based primarily on the issue of authority. Who has the final say in interpreting the Scriptures? The rallying cry of the Reformers was Sola Scriptura, meaning that Scriptures alone has the final say on its interpretation. The Roman church had acquired vast amounts of power and […]
Tag: false prophets
#2 The Infallibility of the Catholic Church A New Modern Twist to Gain Influence From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Pope Pius IX (1846–1878), during whose pontificate the doctrine of papal infallibility was dogmatically defined by the First Vatican Council. Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church that states that, in virtue of the […]
With the Catholic Church’s new Jesuit Pope pressing his agenda to engulf, not only all of Christendom, but all religion, it is necessary that concerned Christians repel this attack with the application of truth. In that regard I am presenting this list of false teachings by the Catholic Church. This is not a critique […]
Does Phil Robertson speak for the whole nation? Phil Robertson on Fox News with San Hannity: http://video.foxnews.com/v/3764234066001/exclusive-phil-robertson-on-the-rise-of-radical-islam/ Phil says he is a Christian, but he cannot say he is following Jesus. At the 3:40 marker Phil says, what Christ would never say, “Convert them or kill them.” Would Jesus say that? NO! This is not […]
Some things are worth repeating. Dave Hunt wrote a book twenty years ago called A Woman Rides the Beast that needs to be revisited. I have friends who have joined the Catholic Church because they were seeking religion, and they have, without a doubt, found the ultimate religion. In Dave’s book he shows accurately with […]
The following article is from the Lighthouse Newsletter a highly respected and documented source for up-to-date happenings in the world of deviant Christian “orthodoxy.” If you are interested in the changing landscape of the Christian Church subscribe to their Bi-monthly printed version for only $12.00 per year and have it delivered to your home or […]
Books.JesusLifeTogether.com/Foundations-Series/Hammer/Europe-30-Yrs-Ago T. Austin Sparks Refused to be Content With Compromised Religion “We look out on the world today, on what we call the Christian world, and we see its state, which is indeed very like that in the days of the Judges. We see divisions and failures in what is called ‘the Church,’ and the […]
Touch Not the Unclean Thing (a re-post)
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of […]
The natural state of man is to protect himself and his property at all cost. If someone were to teach this concept as a religious principle it would be easy to receive a very solid following. On the other hand, to teach non-resistance to evil would draw the opposite effect, especially if it included as […]
But This is Your Hour–When Darkness Reigns
Luke 22:53b When I completed the last articles I considered being finished with the idea of non-resistance as prescribed by Jesus. I left writing on the subject and thought I would pursue some new avenue thinking that I had exhausted the subject and that no one really wanted to hear any more on the matter, […]