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A Biblical View Of Political Involvement

This is a re-post of an article I wrote before the election in 2016. I get a lot of feedback on not voting and non-participation in government, and I love it; I love it because someone may be enlightened. Probably the most common question I get is, “If we as a nation did not have […]

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Americas Salvation Story

I just finished a great book, Christianity, War and America’s Salvation Story by Michael E. Lewis. The book can be purchased at Sermon on the Mount Publishing in print or PDF format. The greater part of Christendom lives in denial of what Jesus came to accomplish during His time here and that denial is lived […]

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Radio Station in Texas cancels David Barton’s Wallbuilders Live During Show

This is a very important event. Americans, and the world have had their heads buried in the sand for way too long, and it is people like David Barton who have turned that sort of thing into a national past time. The old saying, "Ignorance is bliss" has never been more true than today. Politics […]