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My Grandson Goes for the World Championship

I guess it’s time to be a Grandpa and tell you about my 18 year old Grandson Caleb. About four years ago Caleb caught a fish—and he has never stopped. I love my grandkids and Caleb was the first. Marilyn (my wife) and I had three daughters and I did my best to get a […]

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The Christianization of War and Violence Pt. 5 A Response to a Question

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

Because of the articles I wrote about the “Christianization of War and Violence” I now find it necessary to go just a little further. The number one response to this controversial topic is the question of defending others from an evil person set on doing harm to a friend or family member. We can easily […]

Uncategorized church conscience cross deception discernment following christ understanding Government sin false teachers faith hypocrisy Doctrine Truth peace war Gospel

The Christianization of War and Violence Pt. 4 (Conclusion)

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

  The Christians’ Justification and the Law of Nature Over the past 1700 years or so we have developed many justifications for violence, and have learned to tame our conscience when it speaks to the contrary. Among the many justifications for violence and war is a very loud voice that shakes the foundations with the […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception discernment following christ seeing suffering understanding Church Life Government sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church peace war war on sin Gospel Patriotism

The Christianization of War and Violence Pt. 3

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

The Christians’ Justification for War and Violence As I stated in the first article, it is virtually impossible to find any support for Christians taking up arms against their enemy or for self-defense during the first 300 years of Church history. Today Christians proudly justify patriotism, involvement in politics, personal defense, capital punishment, and “just […]

Uncategorized conscience discernment Emergent Government Truth Homeschool Tony Jones

Tony Jones Says “Death to Homeschooling!”

This article by Tony Jones caught my attention because of the title. Why would someone write an article entitled Death to Homeschooling!? The article itself simply states the reason he doesn’t send his kid to public French immersion, charter school, or private school, or homeschool; but he doesn’t condemn any of the others, only homeschool. […]

Uncategorized church deception discernment following christ hearing offense seeing suffering understanding Serving Government sin false teachers faith hypocrisy Truth Organized church peace war Gospel Patriotism

The Christianization of War and Violence, Pt 2

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

Part Two For 1700 years Christians have justified war and self-defense, but where did this notion come from, the Bible? There is a general rejection of the Kingdom teachings of Jesus, which are encapsulated in His Sermon on the Mount. Christ’s teachings on wealth, oaths, and divorce are offensive to most Christians and they spend […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment following christ humanism suffering understanding The Shack Church Life Government sin false teachers faith Preachers holiness peace war Gospel Patriotism

The Christianization of War and Violence, Pt 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Christianization of war and violence

This article is an introduction to a most disturbing question: Have American Christians been deluded about the issue of war and violence? Part one Christians lead the parade with a grand patriotic show of support when it comes to what they consider a “just war” cause. I was part of that parade for a long […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment Emergent humanism false teachers Doctrine Tony Jones

Tony Jones A Believer????

For the life of me I cannot read anything Tony Jones has written or said without coming to the conclusion that he is an unabashed un-believer who flaunts his own intelligence as superior to God. His latest rant over at Patheos liberal blog illustrates clearly that he is a proud, boastful, un-believer. Here he takes […]

Uncategorized cross discernment Emergent following christ humanism Research and Discernment new age Church Life false teachers Preachers Truth Gospel

Setting Aside the Power of the Gospel for a Powerless Substitute

David Dombrowski of Lighthouse Trails Research has written the following article showing that what we are experiencing in the Church today, in nearly every instance, and advertised as authentic, is not the “power of God” at all. Rather, the pure Word of God has been substituted or replaced with pop psychology, new age teachings, and […]

Uncategorized apostasy church conscience deception false prophets humanism understanding heresy false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church prostitution Gospel foolishness Catholic

Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Doctrines of Deception: Is Rome Teaching the Truth?   Keith Green, who was saved along with his wife Melody, during the Jesus Movement of the 70’s, did more than just write great songs, he wrote the “Catholic Chronicles.” Keith, like so many others, was ill-advised to the idea of Catholics being un-saved, and accepted them […]