Because of the articles I wrote about the “Christianization of War and Violence” I now find it necessary to go just a little further. The number one response to this controversial topic is the question of defending others from an evil person set on doing harm to a friend or family member. We can easily […]
Category: Serving
Part Two For 1700 years Christians have justified war and self-defense, but where did this notion come from, the Bible? There is a general rejection of the Kingdom teachings of Jesus, which are encapsulated in His Sermon on the Mount. Christ’s teachings on wealth, oaths, and divorce are offensive to most Christians and they spend […]
This week I was reintroduced to a good friend. This friend of mind has been home with the Lord for 29 years now and I can hardly listen to his music without going back in my head and heart to those days of youth; me and Marilyn fresh in our new birth listening to Keith […]
by glennchristopherson I know a lot of nice people and some of them are Christians. But somehow some of God’s people have been convinced that niceness is the name of the game…well it’s not. Now of course I’m not advocating that we should go out and be deliberately rude and insensitive and crass. But to be […]
The Garden of Eden, and After
Where do we start an examination of “truth,” well, at the beginning would be a good place, so let’s go back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden. The common story of the “beginning” seems to always start and finish with the disobedience of eating the forbidden fruit. That is all well and good, but […]
Why does the idea of sin not take Christians by the neck and shake the Devil out of them? Because the vast majority of Believers care little about sin in their own lives, and give precious little thought about how and why sin deceives us and seeks to destroy us. Sin is the prevailing evil […]
THE HARNESS OF THE LORD by Bill Britton I SAW THE KING'S CARRIAGE On a dirt road in the middle of a wide field stood a beautiful carriage, something on the order of a stagecoach but all edged in gold and with beautiful carvings. It was pulled by six large chestnut horses: […]
George Warnock say so gracefully and plainly what I have been trying to say, in my stumbling way, that we need an awakening to the deep things of God. What we have learned to be content with, in our forms and programs, George brings to the forefront and shines the bright light of truth […]
Definition of PACIFIST 2: strongly and actively opposed to conflict and especially war Does that definition describe Jesus? No! Although He never engaged in or even defended Himself against violence, and charged His followers to do the same, He did not strongly and actively oppose conflict or war by unbelieving nations or people. On the contrary the Bible […]
I belong to a club of bass fishermen. In that club, there are some good and talented anglers. We all make a display of talent, even if we have only modest ability, and boast among ourselves about trophy catches, but at the end of the day it is the Kevin Van Dam=s and the […]