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VIOLENCE! The primary Christian message in any age should be to respond to those things that are paramount at that particular time. In this era, that thing which is topmost, is violence: family violence, national violence, violence against the unborn, racial violence, and religious violence. The truth is that unregenerate man loves violence, his books, […]

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Everywhere I Turn

STEVE BLACKWELL·SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016   Everywhere I turn in the New Testament I find confirmation to the doctrine of non-resistance to evil. Paul in his writings confirms non-resistance in many places, but I never expected to find confirmation in his epistle of joy, the letter to the Philippians. How many times do we do […]

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It never ceases to amaze me how supposedly intelligent Christians can so miss understanding Biblical prophecy; they have either missed it, they don’t care, or they are afraid. While Biblical end-times prophecy is unfolding like yesterday’s newspaper and foretells the very thing they are producing, they practice their religious hobbycraft in a cloud of delusion. […]

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Christians Voting???

For me, leaving the political arena, many years ago, was a hard won battle. I just felt sure that I needed to cast my vote to hold back the veil of darkness and to be a legitimate Christian, along with persuading many others to vote my way. What I discovered was that the veil of […]

Uncategorized church following christ faith Doctrine Truth peace war Patriotism Religion Protestantism american history history

The Great American Myth: American History, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series The Great American Myth: American History

The Prototype of the Pilgrims/Puritans Jesus never addressed the idea of the colonization of other nations in any of His teachings. What Jesus spoke a lot about was how Christians were to treat and interact with other people. One of the simplest and most poignant of His commands is the “Golden Rule”, “Do unto other […]

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The Great American Myth: American History, Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series The Great American Myth: American History

Discovering Columbus In Ted Morgan’s book, Wilderness At Dawn, The Settling of the North American Continent, he places this picture from the Elizabeth Waldo-Dentzel Collection, by Joshua Shaw called, The Coming of the White Man. “A ship appears on the horizon line, with the sun rising behind it, while in the foreground four Indians on […]

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The Great American Myth: American History

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series The Great American Myth: American History

American history books are full of facts that should both thrill and sadden the hearts of anyone who hungers for truth. Unfortunately the history books used by the public school system and also the majority of homeschool associations do not include facts based on truth. Most of these books paint simplistic pictures of brave heroic […]

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The Lesson of the Lamb

Christ’s example to us is richly illustrated, demonstrated, and exemplified by way of His many teachings and in His genius and spirit. He could have easily commanded armies and defeated every corrupt ruler and coercive power on earth, if it pleased Him. But He did not avail himself of such power. Christ yielded Himself, as […]

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Blessed are the . . .

The behavior and character upon which Christ pronounced His sincere blessings, i.e. The Beatitudes, in Matthew 5, are exceedingly remarkable. They are these: 1. Poor in spirit, 2. Sorrow and mourning, 3. Humility or meekness, 4. Hungering and thirsting for righteousness, 5. Mercy, 6. Pureness of heart, 7. Peacemaking, and 8. Persecution for righteousness sake. […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross discernment following christ humanism Research and Discernment suffering understanding Church Life Government sin Judgment false teachers hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth peace war Gospel Justice Patriotism Politics NonResistance Religion persecution Protestantism

How Matthew 5:39 Woke Me Up

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7 Understanding what Christ meant when he uttered these words, “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But […]