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Into the Light

The natural state of man is to protect himself and his property at all cost. If someone were to teach this concept as a religious principle it would be easy to receive a very solid following. On the other hand, to teach non-resistance to evil would draw the opposite effect, especially if it included as […]

Uncategorized apostasy church cross deception false prophets following christ understanding Church Life sin heresy false teachers faith hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth Organized church peace Hell Gospel Patriotism Catholic Politics NonResistance

But This is Your Hour–When Darkness Reigns

Luke 22:53b When I completed the last articles I considered being finished with the idea of non-resistance as prescribed by Jesus. I left writing on the subject and thought I would pursue some new avenue thinking that I had exhausted the subject and that no one really wanted to hear any more on the matter, […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment Emergent false prophets following christ troubles understanding new age Church Life prophecy sin heresy false teachers hypocrisy Preachers Doctrine Truth war on sin Gospel Catholic


Dear Friends: As apparently very few are yet aware of the fact that the Church is in the midst of a full frontal attack by the forces of evil; the whole landscape of Christianity is changing. What was once to be considered a battle on a single front is now a major offensive against the […]

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The Church: What it Is and What it Ain’t, Part 4

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series The Church: What it Is, and What it Ain't

The thief on the cross believed Jesus and was saved. Having been released from all that bound him to his former life he was ready to believe with all his heart and strength the simple truth of what he was now confronted. But, what was it that he believed? Was it dogma, homiletics, patristics, liturgies, […]

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The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War: Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 8 in the series The Church and Its Orthodoxy (Conformity) Toward War

It is a strange phenomenon how, over a period of time, things can become flip-flopped, and how once the flip occurs it takes on the appearance that it has always been that way. This is precisely the case pertaining to the Christian’s involvement in war and politics. It is also amazing how the very verses […]

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Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Doctrines of Deception: Is Rome Teaching the Truth?   Keith Green, who was saved along with his wife Melody, during the Jesus Movement of the 70’s, did more than just write great songs, he wrote the “Catholic Chronicles.” Keith, like so many others, was ill-advised to the idea of Catholics being un-saved, and accepted them […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets humanism Research and Discernment understanding sin heresy false teachers hypocrisy Nicolaitan Hell Gospel foolishness Catholic

Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church: Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Part one The Latent Evil of the Vatican My brother was a strong, and to all appearances, a healthy man. At the age of 53 he died, unexpectedly. He had had warnings: a mild heart attack six months earlier and the death of our father at age 59. Dan, my brother, allowed himself to get […]

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Christian Psychology: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

  Have you figured it out yet? None of these guys are Christian, yet they are influencing, to a very, very, large degree, what is used today, by Christians, to advise and counsel the flock of God, and these are just a small sampling, there are others. Christian Counseling or Pastoral Counseling is a very […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets understanding prophecy Government heresy false teachers hypocrisy Truth Organized church Nicolaitan peace prostitution Hell Gospel Catholic

Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Why We Need to Question The Roman Catholic Church

Part two The Historical Aim of the Papacy In the last article we looked at the latent evil that has surrounded us by not heeding the warnings of past generations and the alarms of the present times. These warnings signal a disease that is gaining more strength as we speak and has already crippled a […]

apostasy church discernment false prophets Research and Discernment encouragement prophecy Government Roger Oakland Catholic

The Vatican and the New World Order

In case you haven't noticed the Vatican is on the move. As the faithful would expect, the Book of Revelation is beginning to make sense in these last days before the Lord's return. It is not the mysterious locked prophecy it once was; It is becoming very clear in respect to the Antichrist and false prophet, and […]