adversity Uncategorized apostasy offense following christ false prophets discernment cross church

Bob Dewaay’s reply to Rick Warren Meeting

K Jentoft, a member of Twin City Fellowship, where Bob Dewaay is lead Pastor, has sent this letter as an introduction to the follow-up of Bob’s meeting with Rick Warren. There has been much speculation because of this meeting of adversaries in the “truth war.” Some were ready to write this meeting off as an […]

troubles seeing offense humanism hearing following christ false prophets Emergent discernment deception cross conscience church apostasy Uncategorized

A Letter of Explanation Conserning Rick Warren

This is a letter I wrote in response to an e-mail I received from an acquaintance of mine. I have changed the name to protect the person, but the letter carries a lot of what worldly Christians believe about themselves and other Christians. I have decided to post it here because of the many accusations […]

Research and Discernment humanism hearing false prophets discernment deception church apostasy

Who Mentored Rick Warren?

There has been a handful of men in the recent past who have clearly seen the day we are living in. When I say recent I mean the past thirty or forty years, men like Tozer, Nee, Sparks, and more recently, Francis Schaeffer. These men, although imperfect, as we all our, had a rare gift, […]

troubles suffering sacrifice Research and Discernment offense humanism following christ false prophets discernment church apostasy Willow Creek

Willow Creek Confession: The Signature of a False Prophet

By now we have all heard of the great confession of Willow Creek and how they failed to accurately hear the voice of the Lord. Apparently the Lord was not informed of their having troubles with their "Seeker Sensitive" approach model, until it was too late, and things started "shifting" a bit. But, not to […]