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Psychology’s Fight Against the Word of God

In the Evangelical Protestant Church of the world a “Creeping mold” has presented itself and barely an eyebrow is lifted or anyone taken noticed. This creeping mold is humanistic Christian Psychology. In less than a century it has taken over the Christian counseling ministry of the Church. For two-thousand years the Church didn’t need it, […]

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All Truth is God’s Truth???

I was talking to a friend the other day debating the question of psychology in the Church. My position is that psychological counseling is un-Biblical. While there may be a few Christian Psychologist who use only Scripture in their counseling their designation of themselves as “psychologist” is unfortunate. That word has an established meaning, which […]

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Christian Psychology: What’s Wrong With This Picture?

  Have you figured it out yet? None of these guys are Christian, yet they are influencing, to a very, very, large degree, what is used today, by Christians, to advise and counsel the flock of God, and these are just a small sampling, there are others. Christian Counseling or Pastoral Counseling is a very […]