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While It Is Called TODAY

Is it possible that so many of my Protestant friends have rejected the clear teachings, of not only history, but the New Testament, concerning the use of violence against his fellowman? Yes, it is not only possible but it is actually the case. That same New Testament also confirms that in these last days that […]

Uncategorized adversity church cross discernment following christ suffering Church Life prophecy Judgment faith Truth Organized church holiness peace Gospel Justice NonResistance Religion persecution martyrdom history Anabaptist Christian End Times Social Justice Radical-Reformation

A Look at Modern Anabaptism by a Resent Disciple to Its Older Ideals of Non-Resistance.

The traditional importance of non-resistance has shaped a distinctive Anabaptist personality. Early Anabaptists spoke of Gelassenheit, a yieldingness and surrender to God’s will in the face of persecution and martyrdom. Over an extended period of time, however, the Anabaptist’s radical appeal and challenge to the existing Christian society became transformed into a message which cultivated […]

Uncategorized deception humanism Church Life false teachers hypocrisy Organized church peace Gospel Patriotism foolishness Catholic NonResistance Religion Protestantism violence Anabaptist Christian

License to Kill

The great foundation stone, universally used, by the Protestant and Catholic Church to justify the killing of their enemies, in concert with the state, is Romans 13. I have heard this chorus sung so often from the pulpit that there is virtually no Christian who can read this passage without filtering it through their favorite […]

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Is it Wrong for a Christian to Celebrate Memorial Day?

This is my tribute to Peace. Tomorrow I will celebrate a day set-aside to remember those who have given a great sacrifice to preserve the freedom that we Americans take for granted. Anyone who is familiar with my writings may stop and wonder if what I am doing isn’t hypocritical to a stance that I […]

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Was Jesus A Pacifist As Defined By Webster?

Definition of PACIFIST 2: strongly and actively opposed to conflict and especially war Does that definition describe Jesus? No! Although He never engaged in or even defended Himself against violence, and charged His followers to do the same, He did not strongly and actively oppose conflict or war by unbelieving nations or people. On the contrary the Bible […]