adversity apostasy church conscience cross deception discernment Emergent false prophets following christ hearing humanism seeing troubles


Not every “spiritual manifestation” is from God. For this reason the apostle John warned, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God . . .” (1John 4:1). Many Christians today, indiscriminately embrace all spirit manifestations as though the phenomenon itself was proof of God’s involvement. But what is even […]

Uncategorized adversity apostasy church cross deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism offense Research and Discernment seeing troubles

Richard Abanes Reply

STEVE: I will continue to speak out against error, especially the error of those who are influencing vast numbers of the unwary. RA: Please feel free to go through those links and outline for me the errors in Rick Warren’s teachings that I might see them. You specifically mention “the other accumulating support” regarding Warren’s: […]

Uncategorized church cross deception discernment false prophets following christ offense seeing troubles

A Request For Correction From Rick Warren

The following is a letter I received from Rick Warren in regards to an article I wrote, Letter To A New Christian, in which I misstated some information. Some times in our zeal to do the Lord’s work we do not adhere to proper due diligence and overstate or misstate information, in which case we […]

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Letter To A New Christian

Thank you for answering my letter. I love simplicity. That is one of the reasons I love Jesus; He was the essence of simplicity and our model in all things pertaining to truth. It is to know Him in His simplicity if we are to make it through this world successfully. You do not have […]

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We’re All Plagiarists

I was reading an article the other day, actually it was this morning, but by the time you read it, it will be “the other day.” The title of the piece was “We Are All Plagiarists” the same as my article with one small difference, I used “We’re” instead of “We Are.” Is this plagiarism? […]

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Can You Hear Me Now!

Remember the fairly recent Verizon commercial that kept repeating the question, “Can you hear me now!” ? Well, that could be God trying to get through. If your kids are hanging out with a bunch of rough looking individuals, you wouldn’t ask, “do you think there is a problem here?” If your husband has taken […]

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Are You Still Eating From That Tree?

In the Garden of Eden was the "tree of knowledge of good and evil. . . . And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat." Genesis 2:9-17. It was the […]

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Why Are You Eating From That Tree?

The world is corrupt in all its ways and in all its thoughts, it can’t help it, that’s just the way it is. Likewise, the institutional church has become corrupt to the core. How has this happened? It has happened for one specific reason; mankind continues to eat from the wrong tree. There were two […]

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Supposition on Sovereignty

The thoughts below were originally the thoughts of T. Austin Sparks. I have taken the liberty to rewrite them in my own words. Suppose for a minute that God has in His mind a purpose, complete in every detail, for creating the human race. Suppose that God choose man to be a unique vehicle for […]

Uncategorized apostasy church discernment Emergent false prophets following christ humanism sacrifice suffering

Are Today’s Christians Honest?

Honesty as a Christian virtue does not exist in its virgin form today. Hear me out and I think you will agree. Honesty has several different aspects. When we generally speak of honesty we think of it as an outward manifestation toward other people. This aspect of being honest, although under severe attack through the […]