adversity apostasy church cross deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism offense seeing troubles understanding new age prophecy Perry Noble

Perry Noble as an Example of the Apostate Church

Following the demise of the Body of Christ over the last several years has a wearing effect. The things that are going on in the “Church” is beyond words and has on occasions left me with my face in my hands between outrage and hysteria.  Is it possible for “believers” to fall any further. When […]

apostasy conscience deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism offense seeing troubles understanding new age prophecy Marketing

The Manhattan Declaration

I’m curious, how many declarations, proclamations, manifestos, creeds, and statements of faith does it take to turn a ruthlessly vain and evil race of people into moral, dignified, and respectable human beings. The answer to that question is, there is not enough paper to print all the decrees necessary to save us? Let’s look for […]

adversity apostasy church cross deception hearing humanism offense sacrifice seeing suffering troubles understanding encouragement holidays trials

On Giving Thanks

This week is Thanksgiving and many of us will come together and give thanks to our Lord for the blessings he has blessed us throughout the year. I believe that, for most people, the “thank you “ part of Thanksgiving is the most boring part. It has been relegated to mere ritual, where the most […]

adversity apostasy church conscience cross deception discernment false prophets following christ hearing humanism sacrifice seeing suffering troubles understanding new age Serving trials prophecy Marketing

An Open Letter to Eagle Church

Due to the increased interest in this letter I have decided to re-post it. It was originally posted 2-18-2006. The letter contains many thing that will assist others in approaching their Church leadership and in making the hard decisions of whether or not to leave organized religion and to seek God on His terms apart […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets following christ hearing humanism offense seeing troubles understanding prophecy


PROPHETIC -by A.W. Tozer If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of leader. The proper, ruler-of-the- […]

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God’s Awakening Call’s-Awakening-Call The Call to Be the Body of Christ, Rather Than To “Attend” Something It has become more and more obvious to God’s Chosen, worldwide, that the typical expression of what is known as “church” has been influenced by the enemy, and through worldly culture. Our understanding and expression of “church,” in generation after generation, […]

Uncategorized adversity cross suffering troubles understanding encouragement Church Life trials

Brokenness And Discipline

What does our physical circumstances have to do with the spiritual life of the child of God? Watchman Nee, in the sixth chapter of his book The Release of the Spirit, displays much spiritual wisdom in answering that question. The many grains of sand that make up the mountain of tribulations, that we very often […]

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Baptism: A Spiritual Perspective

There has been a lot of discussion and debate on the blogs I have visited lately, and no little heat generated, on both sides of the issue of baptismal regeneration. But, one thing that is obviously missing is the spiritual perspective and meaning of baptism. Baptism is one of those topics that men love to […]

Uncategorized apostasy church deception discernment false prophets hearing humanism Research and Discernment seeing troubles understanding new age

Rick Warren’s New Magazine Promotes the New Global Spirituality

When I go shopping I am always amazed at the high prices and low quality of the merchandise I purchase. I dislike cheap craftsmanship, especially when I thought I was buying “quality.” If I buy something from China, I get what I pay for. I know, going in, that the quality will not be there […]

church hearing suffering troubles encouragement

We Can All Use a Little Help

It’s hard to imagine a big 200 pound man needing help, but he can be just as helpless as a little child, when it comes to the inner workings of the psyche and the essential needs of the spirit. We are as little lambs when it comes to our vulnerability, and the most help can […]